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Characters. Christian young boy to a man : Parents Plot: Lonestar, Texas to Phoenix, Arizona Life story with a touch of class. Objective : Open 7 seals to Reveal Mysteries About a dreamer prophet that was lucky to share glory of redeeming his family. But first he had to pass a test ( BIG TEST) He came from eternity to earth to partake of flesh and blood. He made a pact with his father to proclaim him as his saviour (Jesus ) coming from his loins. Now he was a boy at age 13 when he started going too many foster homes looking for adoption. As time went on growing he became a very intelligent man studying history and lifes events and important man and there ranks. And one day he became blind and needed attention. As if all the attention he received by his luck of adoption was enough. He needed something that know one could provide except perfect timing. This was a power house faith muscle time machine was an experience of a lifetime for eternity. Although itŐs free it costs to have power. Well this educated man was now blind and needed to be set free. He decided after finding out about the love machine (counselor) in Phoenix that he would make the sacrifice and move and begin his chance of a lifetime. Now this love machine gives you physical and mental choices that are real challenging tests for victory in Jesus. What would take 10 yrs would only take 10 days. This machine was a gift freely given to man but only few chose to because the ratio was a ratio of 1/10 making from mortal to immortal because of there choices they made. Now being a gift is compared to the holy spirit. This gift had buttons of judgement and warnings for the heart to bring faith or doubt to the soul depending on desires and training and knowledge of how oneself works for the good and evil and there tactics. Christian was a very intelligent genuise and had studied every important man except one because of the time factor. He must go forward in time and now know Willaim Marrion Branham that delivered the Original seed. This time machine took him to get revelation but once you get this revelation then your soul is responsible for living the life to have power to become partners in redemption if you donŐt continue on with your aggreement then your doomed. He studied all imporant men and there ranks and knew that William had the testimony of a true prophet. Also because of the history and wars, battles he learned that the end time would be the most challenging of all and that he had to get prepared trained to overcome the loves and go back to his first love. Not to mention his obligation of following his hearts desire and faith to redeem and portray Jesus as his saviour. Now when Christian would meet people he didnŐt fellowship much because of the pressure and time factor of his life. He learned that the seed that was planted in him had to be just perfect or the end result would not be acceptable. He also didnŐt feel to give the uneccessary attention for the fact that he didnŐt want to be anyones god. After expereincing the life of fame and death. He needed somehow to be humble and this was his way of doing that. Treating everyone equal and fair. Now this machine gives anything to satisfy your senses good or bad. Meaning it had access to your avenues and felt real at a touch of a button depending on ones choices. Because he chose righteouseness after learning death had no victory he had that right to create and pursue his faith in proclaiming the good news no matter what trials and tribulations came his way he knew in his heart the call the duty he had to carry out. He became partners, kinship, part of the family by following his creators way and commands. Like a gang you get inisiated, jumped in well with being a christian you get borned into it and become little gŐs to continue on the work of God, for him to pour himself into you. This counselor was only in Phoenix Arizona and available to all man kind. You walk into a room and go into the machine and take 10 days to see (understand). It's free but you will be responsible for the choice you make for your destiny. It was a different type of spirit then you find in the nations. A different type of experience. Now this is just the beginning of the direction of his calling and to produce this movie Love had to project to produce what you have need of. subject-your name & will respond.