XDreAmsMasTerX: (sorry ill continue)
Saty Xiaou
: okies
XDreAmsMasTerX: (sorry im taking so long)
Saty Xiaou
: (s'okay ^^ I'm used to it)
XDreAmsMasTerX signed off at 11:25:56 AM.
XDreAmsMasTerX signed on at 11:35:08 AM.
XDreAmsMasTerX: *He sat in the dusty tavern alone, in silence. He had never given a second though about anybody or anything that happened in the is filth around him, for he knew he was greater than all around him. With his long flowing hair and flawless handsomeness, he resembled nothing of that around him, like a beautiful eagle around common crows. Even though he wasn't one to show off, his dress simply stated his confidence clearly. His tight buttoned shirt simply did nothing to hide his perfect body, and his leather pants were something that no lesser man would dare to wear. And yet, even through all of this, he never flinched, as nothing around him could ever be up to his high standards. Then he saw something...a woman he had never seen before. A woman of her stature in a place like this...*
: (dont hate me i know it sucks)
Saty Xiaou
: (XD nice for a first try. XD usually I get something like *walks in. sits down. says hi to the pretty girl* Hey, babe. Wanna make out?)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (lol)
: (ill try to live up to your standards if thats possible =D)
Saty Xiaou
: (stupid aim ><)
Saty Xiaou: *Idly her gaze wandered from face to face, stopping on none in particular, rather annoyed at the patrons, barbaric and sublimely imbecilical in their nature. What is one to expect, however, when the collective intellectual quota of this dump was 2? Perturbed, she slowly, deliberately, drew her hands back from the table, the claws on her armor rings digging deep trenches in the inexpensive wood, the wood curling beneath the metal and falling to the floor in bouncy little spirals. Casually she continued eyeing the other lifeforms.. (if not for a better title to give them as they hardly acted like anything remotely resembling intelligent inhuman life. With an exasperated sigh, she procured a vial, from some unseen space within her garments, brimming with bloodwyne and proceeded to sip it. Though a tavern this was, she didn't really have the taste for mortal spirits.. they did nothing to quench her thirst.. or her hunger. Draining the vial of its contents, she replaced it the pocket and sighed once more. She didn't know why she even came here anymore. The few people that she considered friends never dared show their faces and long since had the mortals with whom she'd made casual acquaintances disappeared from the filthy dram. There was nothing left here but raucious whore mongers and the sluts who fed their guilty pleasures.. top that off with the few people who lay back stealthily in the shadows, eyeing the patrons much like she. Then there were those that liked to stare. She could understand why they would wantonly eye her, she was: to put it simply, quite a knockout. Luckily, there didn't seem to be many in the dismally crowded tavern tonight.. that, at least, was an improvement. Crimson oculars scanned the room once more as she reluctantly stood up, contemplating removing herself from this putrid environment altogether, when she noticed someone staring at her. She mentally chided herself for thinking she could go one simple night without being bugged by someone like this.. it was rather redundant and, for lack of better terming, annoying. Pretending not to notice, she smoothed her garments and sat back down, procuring yet another vial of the ever necessary bloodwyne and thinking to herself, "Ah.. as partiable as it may be, nothing can quench the ever nagging loathesomness of hunger.. This should sustain me for awhile.. but it's not going to get me through the night..", as she sipped it, mercifully, now shutting out the ramble of her surroundings, seemingly lost in a modest train of thought
Previous message was not received by XDreAmsMasTerX because of error: Your message was refused by the AOL Instant Messenger server, probably because the message was too big. Try making the message shorter and send it again.

Saty Xiaou: *Idly her gaze wandered from face to face, stopping on none in particular, rather annoyed at the patrons, barbaric and sublimely imbecilical in their nature. What is one to expect, however, when the collective intellectual quota of this dump was 2? Perturbed, she slowly, deliberately, drew her hands back from the table, the claws on her armor rings digging deep trenches in the inexpensive wood, the wood curling beneath the metal and falling to the floor in bouncy little spirals. Casually she continued eyeing the other lifeforms.. (if not for a better title to give them as they hardly acted like anything remotely resembling intelligent inhuman life. With an exasperated sigh, she procured a vial, from some unseen space within her garments, brimming with bloodwyne and proceeded to sip it. Though a tavern this was, she didn't really have the taste for mortal spirits.. they did nothing to quench her thirst.. or her hunger. Draining the vial of its contents, she replaced it the pocket and sighed once more. She..
Saty Xiaou: ..didn't know why she even came here anymore. The few people that she considered friends never dared show their faces and long since had the mortals with whom she'd made casual acquaintances disappeared from the filthy dram. There was nothing left here but raucious whore mongers and the sluts who fed their guilty pleasures.. top that off with the few people who lay back stealthily in the shadows, eyeing the patrons much like she. Then there were those that liked to stare. She could understand why they would wantonly eye her, she was: to put it simply, quite a knockout. Luckily, there didn't seem to be many in the dismally crowded tavern tonight.. that, at least, was an improvement. Crimson oculars scanned the room once more as she reluctantly stood up, contemplating removing herself from this putrid environment altogether, when she noticed someone staring at her. She mentally chided herself for thinking she could go one simple night without being bugged by someone like this.. it was rather redundant and, for lack of better terming, annoying. Pretending not to notice, she smoothed her garments and sat back down, procuring yet another vial of the ever necessary bloodwyne and thinking to herself, "Ah.. as partiable as it may be, nothing can quench the ever nagging loathesomness of hunger.. This should sustain me for awhile.. but it's not going to get me through the night..", as she sipped it, mercifully, now shutting out the ramble of her surroundings, seemingly lost in a modest train of thought
Saty Xiaou: **
XDreAmsMasTerX: (you still here?)
Saty Xiaou
: (yus)
Saty Xiaou: (Had to take a shower. XD Post away)
XDreAmsMasTerX: lol
Saty Xiaou
: (you did get that superlong post, didn't you?)
XDreAmsMasTerX: yes
Saty Xiaou
: kk
XDreAmsMasTerX: *He was never one to gaze from face to face, especially in this horrid place that reeked of lowly human life. Of all his life, he was never one to be taken in by any person, let alone a mere woman. He stared at her, not thinking, not feeling, not trying. His stares would pierce the heart of a normal soul, but this one was different. He looked down, knowing inside how different she truly was from the other wretched individuals. He took a sip of his drink, in silence and in thought. "Have I been thinking too much?" He asked himself inside. Maybe it was time to take action in his glorious life? But no, nobody or nothing could be worthy of him, especially in this dump. He went back to his drink, like he had done many nights before. Why was he here? Why was he doing nothing? Unconcievable thoughts raced through his head, unable to control them. "Who is that girl?" "Why is she here?" He had never taken a second thought before, but why was he now? He began to rub his muscular, perfect arms and chest in sheer boredom. But why was he bored? She was here. Maybe for the first time he would step out of the shadows? Would he continue to stare? Was he annoying her? The thoughts killed him as he went once again back to the drink. He brushed his flowing hair with his hand as he stood up as he did many times before, to leave the horrid dump full of wretched annoyances...but he stopped. He thought to himself again, "I cannot leave this place, I am not satisfied, but can I ever be satisfied in this sad place?" His thoughts killed him and he started to walk out of the shadow towards the door, but instead went toward a table...a table with a woman on it...the woman he had never seen before. But should he continue with these lowly thoughts and these actions not worthy of him? Did he need a sign? He straighted out his tight pants as he stood. He didn't need a sign, he didn't need anything. He needed to leave these humans that were too low for him, as he looked at the door, preparing to leave the sad tavern ...*
: (=/)
Saty Xiaou
: (Unconcievable. Wonderful word. XD Inconceivable*)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (-_-)
: (same thing -_-)
Saty Xiaou
: : p
Saty Xiaou: (Tight pants.. like.. Brian Boitano ice skating type pants? XD XD )
XDreAmsMasTerX: (lol, i couldnt think of anything better)
: (btw u can stop at anytime because of my sheer suckiness XD)
Saty Xiaou
: (Nah. XD I'm enjoying it. XD I'll stop if I'm boring you.)
Saty Xiaou: *Her present reverie finally disturbed by a platerous object being hurled in her direction and subsequently smashed against the bottom of the chair which she occupied, procured from her a low, menacing growl directed at low life who had thrown it. He was a scruffy individual, dressed in attire that would hardly be considered proper wear even for such filth as this place. He was also quite obviously trying to get her attention. Yes, there were several ways of getting it, this however, being the least productive. Crimson orbs, narrowed to slits, glowering daggers at the the idiot was all it took to convince him to cease his game. After a hurriedly mumbled 'Sorry..' he turned back and busied himself to chatting with the rather androgynous male at his side. Rolling her eyes in distaste, she muttered a mere "Humans.." before taking another sip from her vial. Neither anymore time, nor words would be wasted on him. Tuning the annoyance out once again, she glanced elsewhere and caught sight of someone else attempting to near her. It was the same person who had been staring at her for unknown reasons before. 'Ugh..' she thought in disdain, 'what could HE possibly want..' Reserving herself and pretending to pay him no mind, she crossed her legs daintily, one over the other and taking another sip of the vials precious contents, she closed her eyes and let a small sigh escape those rosy hued lips before turning her attention elsewhere*
XDreAmsMasTerX: (its been over half an hour =P)
Saty Xiaou
: (I know.. -.- phone. sorry. XD)
Saty Xiaou: (gunna dry my hair. post away XD)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (-_-)
: (fine)
: *As he started to walk out the door, he stopped and looked back at the woman again. He then realized something. He could not leave, for he had found something. He had found a woman, no, something greater than a mere woman. His eyes gazed over her once again, he knew this one was not human...but above mere humans, like himself. He watched other pitiful attempts by men trying to get her attention, but instead annoying her. But they were lowly, not up to her class, not in her league... little did they know. Normally he wouldn't have given a second thought, but now that he knew who she was, and what she looked like...it was more than just thoughts. He would stall no more...he COULDN'T, for it came naturally, like a force that cannot be changed. He saw her look up at him...not knowing whether she was annoyed or joyed. Was she pretending not to notice his handsomeness, or was she just giving thoughtless glances. Surely she would know what she was looking at? But it didn't matter, for there was now no choice but one. How would he get her attention? It didn't matter. He just had to, regardless of thoughts. He walked to the table and looked at her eyes strange stare and her revealing crossed legs as he approached. His mind was empty as he sat down at her table. Surely she wouldn't think HE was one of the other wretched humans...surely she would think he was for her...He just looked at her, wanting to say something, but the words wouldn't come. "What to say? Casual aqquaintance talk? What do I REALLY want here?" he thought to himself. Maybe instead he would wait for her to speak...from the words he would instantly know if she was worthy....or maybe if he was even worthy...as if there was ever any doubt of his worthiness before she came along.*
: (im leaving you the hard parts XD)
Saty Xiaou
: (obviously XD Take innitiative though and do something XD talk. XD make up your mind. My next post is going to be short, and will force you to do so. XD)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (cheater -_-)
Saty Xiaou
: (Nope. XD)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (im a noob remember -_-)
Saty Xiaou
: (Yus, but you need to learn. : p)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (this is too hard XD)
Saty Xiaou
: (Nah. It's just like writing a story XD Easy easy)
XDreAmsMasTerX signed off at 2:13:45 PM.
XDreAmsMasTerX signed on at 2:16:58 PM.
XDreAmsMasTerX: (stupid aim again -_-)
Saty Xiaou
: *She paused instantaneously to look at...whoever it was in front of her, one brow raised in question as she lowered her drink to the table* Yes?
Saty Xiaou: (XD there ya go. have fun.)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (arg...its hard to take intiative when i dont know where this story is going XD)
Saty Xiaou
: (That's the fun. You don't know where it's going, so you have to create direction.)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (aye)
: *"Yes" was her only word. He thought to himself a little more, while staring at her amazing vibrant beauty. He still didn't know what to say, as he was now sure that anything he said she would brush off. Or would she? "Hi" he managed to stutter out. Wow, that was by far the worst thing he had ever said in his entire life. He continued, "What is a soul like yours doing in a wretched place like this?" She didn't answer, just staring...probably annoyed. Or was she not annoyed? Maybe she was thinking the same thing about a man like him? What was he doing here? He continued anyways, "I knew something was different about you...I have seen all there is to see, and nothing has made me stop. Yet you have made me stop." He then realized that he didn't care what she said. If she was annoyed than she was annoyed...what could he do? "I'm not even going to guess what you are thinking," he said, "and you probably aren't going to guess what I'm thinking either." His words were straight forward, almost cold...He continued anyways, not giving a thought, "I don't what you are doing here, but I am leaving this sorry place...I have yet to see reason why you don't leave too..." Then it struck him, "You can come with me...to a better place." As he said that he realized he may very well be wasting her time. She probably had no interest in what he thought and probably didn't care about what he was saying given her stares into his eyes. Yet, it was no matter...The choices inside were already made. He knew what he wanted...but did she want it?*
: (eh my story sucks)
: (it gets worse by the second XD)
Saty Xiaou
: (Nah. XD good practice)
Saty Xiaou: (LMAO it sounds like you want to bonk my charrie. XD XD XD XD)
XDreAmsMasTerX: (rofl)
: (well i didnt know what else to do XD)
Saty Xiaou
: (lolol)
Saty Xiaou: I'ma save this. Brian's about to be home, so brb on the other computer.
Saty Xiaou: Actually.. save the convo. I'm logging it. XD I lost my first 2 posts.
Saty Xiaou: Sooo you'll have to give them to me later.