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"Hello. My name is Simon and I'm two years old. I'm a tri-colored basset Hound and I'm from San Juan,Puerto Rico.I live with my grandparents (Roberto and Blanca)because I got too big for my parent's apartment. My mommy (Mary) and daddy (Fernand) take good care of me. I do a lot of things with them everytime they visit me. Soon I will live with them again when they move to a house and them I will have a big backward to play and my own doghouse."

"I will show you now pictures of me and my parents doing what we like most and that is having a lot of fun."

A lot of licks (kisses) Simon

My Puppy Pictures

My First Year

My Family

My Favorite Web Sites

Sociedad Canófila de Puerto Rico
Basset Hounds de San Juan Puerto Rico
