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My Observations

Hello. I am Cassandra von Kreug. I have been observing people for several years now and have decided that some people might find it of interest to hear of my observations.

I have never met any of the people I observe and I have no wish to. The point of it is that I find it interesting that I can know so much about a person and the intricate details of their lives without ever having met them or not even recognising them on the street. I wish them no harm. I have no further interest in those I have already observed; I move on when I become either bored with or too immersed in peoples lives. The only person I have interest in is the one I am currently observing.

I have now observed the following people:

1. JESSE BRADFORD: This is where is all started: I found on the street an exercise book containing notes and letters written to and from Jesse Bradford, obviously from school. I found that he was a 14 year old boy from Melbourne, Australia. Using my findings, I set up a diary under his name on, to see if people would be convinced that I was in fact the genuine article and to see if I knew enough about him as to do this. I was successful and lost interest.
2. SAMIRA SHACKLE: An interesting obvservation....I was on a holiday to a cottage in rural England.I hapenned to find a diary left (presumably by accident) by a 12 yr old girl. Wishing to use a different medium to previously, rather than making a diary site, I joined an eating disorders mailing list under her name and, basing some of my letters and the basis for my assumed persona on her actual diary entries, I found that I felt I knew her so well that I was even able to improvise some of the letters. The response was positive; noone suspected that I was not the real person. When, after a year, I ran out of diary entries and felt that the observation had run it's course, I gave up and threw the diary away -it had served its purpose. I was naive at the time however, in this case and in that of Jesse Bradford, it did not occur to me that the actual people could look themselves up and locate these things. A couple of years ago, I recieved an email from the real girl, then 14, asking who I was. Luckily she had obviously not read all of the e-mails and I passed myself off as another person of the same name. I am unable to do anything about this now, and can only hope that she, and Jesse Bradford, do not borwse further!
3. TERRENCE WILKEY: I simply found a business card at a train station. I was interested in it as it looked like one printed from one of those machines on the road - pay £3 for several business cards kinda thing. So I searched for him on the internet (remember I did not have a lot of information to go on at this point!) and located a wealth of information; he was 21 and had recently left college to persue a career as a freelance entreproneur. This time I did not make an internet site or anything of the type - the goal was not to present the wealth of information already at my disposal, as previously, but to collect as much information as I could, so I made a file full of information about him. I was able to find out surprising amounts. When I felt I had reached terminal velcoity, as it were, with my findings, I stopped and moved on.
4. RICHARD BANKS: I briefly observed Richard Banks, having found his diary (diary planner rather than diary journal). Using this, and information from the internet, I was able to effectively trace his day to day actions, feelings and thoughts.
5. LUCY BATTEN SMITH: I am currently observing Lucy Batten Smith, a 13 yr old girl from Austria. I found a letter from her to a friend, which has given me a reasonable start, but it is proving very difficult to locate further information on the internet. If anyone knows any ways to further my observations (directories, etc) please let me know ( Remember, I have NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in the past observations listed here, please do not contact me about them. I have not, and will never, harm anyone in anyway, I merely find this very interesting. I am not some weirdo with no life of their own, my observations do not rule my life, they are merely an interest hobby for me. I have observed several others also, mostly following in the format of those above - I picked the most interesting cases to show you (my favourtie of these being Terence Wilkey)
I hope you have enjoyed these website.