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Welcome to my shitlist. It's pretty basic in how it works. You piss me off, you get on my list, and I will never, ever sell to you and I will advise my friends to do the same.

fratersang - For harassment and general assholicness during my October letter auction which he was stupid enough to continue into the GEPD thread where I went to ask questions. He was reported for stalking and sent a warning by Aerion.

kaikobird - Being exceptionally rude when I explained, (and quite politely at that) that if I were trading, I'd ask for 3 October letters instead of the 2 he was offering for my September letter, because of sellback and prices rising. He's a bitter, sad little man who wishes someone was stupid enough to trade a September letter for 2 Octobers. Pfft.

spiked_fuzzy - This silly tart basically followed me around in every auction telling people to not sell their pink boxes because they'd be worth more when people found out about the new item. I hope she gets canker sores. Ruined 6 auctions.

May Dominee - (the following is her long rant posted IN THE GEPD thread) "what the fuck?! why the fuck do u need to know? stop accuseing everyone of being a potential scammer and show some fucking trust. why does it matter if i gave it to him or not? what if i didn't? then what? hmmm?? THEN WHAT? would he be a "scammer"? a hacker? a beggar? a liar? WHO CARES??? What if he was? then would u report him to a mod? because that's your freakin' duty? BUTT OUT. I don't see how this can be concidered "just looking out for the better intereset of the general public" Not at ALL. this is just invading personal privacy and once the answers are known.. then what? u carry on your merry way? and if there was that slight chance that he lied? then what? ask a mod for further investigation? why do you harrass people over such petty things. not only this. but when u ask users "could u please put on your OMG hat?" just cuz they joined 2 days ago. THEY WERE OBVIOUSLY "GIVEN" IT. Or they have an alternative account. Stop thinking "oh they scammed someone out of it." or "oh they hacked an account to get it!" that is HIGHLY unlikely. *SHOW SOME TRUST* sure the users may be wasting their time around the thread if it were bunny slippers or something that would take days to end. but if it's something that can be bought quickly, they will either see the item in the trade window or they wont. simple as that. by the way i am not mad at all, i wrote all this to explain my points and so i could quote it to the blacklist itself... I apologize deeply.. Because THIS IS NOT PERSONALLY DIRECTED AT *YOU*. I just wanted you to read it all as if it was, so you'd "FEEL" what i am saying and think of your own answers. Sorry for any hard feelings. bai" 'Nuff said. Psychopath.
Update - May was banned for a month starting Feb 26th. What a beautiful thing.
Update #2 - she came back as Snow Angel and started her old tricks in the GEPD with impersonations and bitchiness.

Shanky - 143 scream icons and bitching about people not offering enough for his jacked up pants when he didn't start with a bid price. Fucking n00b all the way.

Locke103 - insulting Kalec_DeathMage when he lost his NM Minis.

Axes - being the most ignorant, hateful fuck-a-duck on the planet about Kalec_DeathMage's NM mini situation

xLollirotAngelx - being a bitch for no reason in a selling thread when she wasn't even the person selling. Wait until I see one of her fucked up little quests.

jealousghost - Ultra frustrating. Selling a lot of her inventory, granted, but when I wait politely and patiently and keep my offer listed for 12 pages and it's beyond reasonable, to be brushed off, ignored for 2 more pages and then to see her argue with me about whether or not it's ILLEGAL to sell store items for more than their worth? WTF? Listed bitch.

Taure - Honorary listing, long since forgiven for his trespasses (kind of), but he gets listed because Taure, while a good guy, is a bastard at trading and was the beautiful beginning to this list.