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Kaniva Kong: nick listen
rothman7023: I CAN'T give you a ride
rothman7023: i Can't give you my car
Kaniva Kong: nick wtf
Kaniva Kong: whats your problem
Kaniva Kong: ill give you anything
Kaniva Kong: if you let me borrow yoru car tonight
Kaniva Kong: ANYTHING that belongs to me you can have
rothman7023: no
Kaniva Kong: my x box
rothman7023: NO
Kaniva Kong: x box and all my games
rothman7023: NO
Kaniva Kong: this is the most important thing to me you could do
rothman7023: fuck that, you never do anythign important for me
Kaniva Kong: nick i would alwyas be there for you if you needed anything man dont think otherwise
rothman7023: all you do is say shit about me
Kaniva Kong: i dont hav every much to give
Kaniva Kong: but your one of my best friends
rothman7023: nah dude
Kaniva Kong: dude we used to be anyway
Kaniva Kong: i dont understand why you dont hang with me anymore
rothman7023: drew says you talk shit about me all throughout webmasters
rothman7023: i can't take that
Kaniva Kong: fuck that youd hear me man
Kaniva Kong: i havnt even bean to that class in ages
rothman7023: i can't take that
Kaniva Kong: :'(
Kaniva Kong: my babys gonna break up with me if i dont come se her tonight
rothman7023: i have an idea
Kaniva Kong: what
rothman7023: call a taxi
Kaniva Kong: those are like 40 bux
Kaniva Kong: andd you cant get um this late at night
rothman7023: so what, you are about to give me your xbox
Kaniva Kong: yes itst something i h ave
Kaniva Kong: i cnat offer a taxi guy an x box
rothman7023: here, if i take the time to call a taxi for you, and pay for it, will you give me your xbox?
Kaniva Kong: heres thie thing
Kaniva Kong: i need a ride to the girls hosue
Kaniva Kong: then take her to a nother h ouse
Kaniva Kong: then take her home
Kaniva Kong: and go home
Kaniva Kong: whawt taxi would do that
rothman7023: any taxi
Kaniva Kong: thatd be expensive as shit dude
rothman7023: nah
Kaniva Kong: thatd be like 100 bux
rothman7023: ok, i have the mondy
rothman7023: give me your xbox
Kaniva Kong: i mean im a good driver man
Kaniva Kong: i only need it as a shuttle
Kaniva Kong: youd save so much money
rothman7023: yeah, a taxi would do that
Kaniva Kong: can you rent me a car
Kaniva Kong: from like a place instead
Kaniva Kong: for the x box
rothman7023: no place is open at this time of night
rothman7023: on a sunday
rothman7023: even a taxi
rothman7023: and i won't give you my car
Kaniva Kong: :-(
Kaniva Kong: will you drive me?
rothman7023: for your xbox?
Kaniva Kong: its kinda late tho
Kaniva Kong: ya
Kaniva Kong: hell ill give you any computer oriented device i have
Kaniva Kong: and the x box
Kaniva Kong: you have to stay up late tho
Kaniva Kong: 1230 till 3 youd have to be up basically me payin gyour for hours
rothman7023: nah dude
Kaniva Kong: hahahaaqa its cool dude
Kaniva Kong: dont worry bout it
Kaniva Kong: ill find something else
rothman7023: good luck