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Hello everybody! Ok, so this is my website, it is honestly updated so infrequently, because I have a kinda busy life, so don't really work on the site that much. Anyways, the most recent update is February 5, 2006.

In the summer, I work at the best camp ever, YMCA Camp Ki-Wa-Y and Frontier Daycamp. This summer, I am and LIT Trainer, which is only the sickest job ever. Also, please check out my sweetJumping Pictures, these are all new to 2005/2006

My AWESOME sister rules!

Right now, I like cross country skiing, kayaking, juggling, diablo, devil sticking, friends, and snowboarding. The best sport ever is Parkour, but most people don't know what its about. Pretty much, it is flowing across the landscape, vaulting things, running up walls and other fun stuff. Oh, yeah and over Holidays, i went to Cuba, and that was another of the best times ever.

I go to SJAM public school, but next year is university. sweet sweet. you don't even know. oh yeah. and one more thing. The key to having a great life ---> Have Madskillz in Everything.

This year, I'm really busy, but in a good way. I hope you enjoy my website, and please sign the guestbook when ur done. If u get done...
dun dun dun...

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