Dictionary says:
tobacco hornworm

The destructive larva of a hawk moth (Manduca sexta) of the southern United States and the West Indies that feeds on the leaves of tobacco plants. Also called tobacco worm.

My definition: A type of caterpiller that eats tomatoes and has a red horn on it's bottom. Turns into a Hummingbird moth.


Dictionary says:
hummingbird moth

n : any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed [syn: hawkmoth, hawk moth, sphingid, sphinx moth]

My definition: A moth that flies very fast and eats flowers. Commonly mistaked as a hummingbird.

In my class, my teacher, Mrs. Little found 3 tobacco hornworms in her garden. 2 died. We called the one that survived (it was REALLY big) Mr. Plumpy. Mr. Plumpy dissapeared under ground and we thought he was dead. So when they emptied out the tank, they found Mr. Plumpy in his cacoon. We waited... and waited... and waited... and eventually something happened. Somebody sprayed him and he wiggled. We thought he'd come out... he didn't. The next week or so, when we came on a Monday morning, he was a hummingbird moth! He didn't look too good. His wings were in bad condition. The next day, we brought in food for him. He ate, but we found out he'd die soon. So, we took him into the garden and gave him a funeral. He was a cute little hornworm.

Hornworm Larva.

Hornworm Pupa

Hummingbird Moth
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