mzdeidra ([info]mzdeidra) wrote in [info]blackfolk,
@ 2005-05-11 16:51:00
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Would you die for him?
I remember in 1999 when Columbine happened, one of the students got killed just for believing in God. I ask you: If someone held a gun to your face and ask if you believe in God - knowing that you will get killed if you say you do - what would you say?

Personally, I'll say yes. I know I was never put in the situation before, but why live my life in shame and guilt? And also, you never know what's going to happen. You can get shot and live to tell about it...

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2005-05-11 22:00 (link) Delete
Columbine wasn't about religion.

And I'm agnostic. So I probably wouldn't. But throwing yourself in front of a bullet for God doesn't make you a martyr.

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2005-05-11 22:06 (link)
I know Columbine wasn't about religion, but apparently a student got killed because of it.

No, it doesn't make you a martyr, but it sure does show a lot of faith. And faith, in due time, will be rewarded. (According to my beliefs)

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2005-05-11 22:15 (link) Delete
Actually, no, she got killed because that is what they were there to do. They didn't even ask the majority of the students they shot and their plan was actually to kill everyone they could.

I'm having a very hard time with Christianity right now. And I'm just going to leave it at that.

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(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:22:37
(no subject) - [info]bartle_by, 2005-05-11 22:34:08
(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:37:13
(no subject) - [info]bartle_by, 2005-05-11 22:39:57
(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:44:41
(no subject) - [info]bartle_by, 2005-05-11 22:50:06
(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:53:34

2005-05-11 22:06 (link)
Certainly. And, my mother would be so proud of me. ;)

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2005-05-11 22:11 (link)
Lol...nah I think she'll be mad first...then months later she'll understand. You gotta grieve first!

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2005-05-11 22:07 (link)
as [Bad username in LJ tag] said, it wasn't about religion. i'd have to be honest anyway. i believe in many gods, being Pagan. they'd probably shoot you even if you said you didn't if they were that far gone. not about religion at all.

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2005-05-11 22:17 (link)
Ok for starters those kids would have killed people whether they said they believed in god or not. Secondly, what is to be gained from saying you believe if you think you will die for saying so???? Do you think God cares what you say to two deluded teenager murderers??

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2005-05-11 22:18 (link)
Yup. He knows all.

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2005-05-11 22:19 (link)
Which one?

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(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:23:29
(no subject) - [info]illlaw, 2005-05-11 22:26:10
(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:29:02
(no subject) - [info]illlaw, 2005-05-11 22:35:32
(no subject) - [info]vehicleshockme, 2005-05-11 22:30:11
(no subject) - [info]vehicleshockme, 2005-05-11 22:30:35
(no subject) - [info]illlaw, 2005-05-11 22:36:15

2005-05-11 22:21 (link)
Thou shalt not lie to twisted boys with guns, even if it means you could escape and continue your good works, or something.

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(no subject) - [info]dyvinesweetness, 2005-05-11 22:24:37
(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 22:24:56

2005-05-11 23:09 (link)
I'd rather live in shame and guilt then with a bullet in my ass. I am not really too religious anyways. I understand why people would still say yes. But, if you are asking me personally I would say what I have to say to stay alive.

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2005-05-11 23:19 (link)
Well, no, because I don't believe in the Christian God. If I did, I think he would understand me saving my ass from psychos and saying no.

But it's a moot point. Ut's been concluded that they would have killed her anyways, even if she'd said no and had screamed, "Hail Satan". They were guano crazy.

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2005-05-11 23:19 (link)
With a gun in my face? hmmmm....can't help but be truthful. I'd say no.

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2005-05-12 00:10 (link)
You must not be religous because that was a smart, intelligent answer...

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2005-05-11 23:23 (link)
i would say yes, i believe in God & not even a gun will make me deny Him, then i'd pray & wait for eternity to begin. a bullet to the face is nothing compared to life (& afterlife) without grace.

haha, that rhymed.

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2005-05-11 23:30 (link) Delete
I just wanted to add this little bit. I didn't say it before because I couldn't remember for sure.

The killers asked another girl, Valeen Schnurr, a similar question, then shot her, and she lived to tell about it. Schnurr's story was then apparently misattributed to Cassie.

From this Salon article. Whatever meaning you want to attatch to that, no one got killed for God in Columbine.

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2005-05-11 23:40 (link)
Yea. She should've been in the media just as much as Cassie was. There really is no meaning behind it - other than the fact that they hated everyone. I'm proud of the other girl (Valeen) too. I just like the way they handled it - as a true believer would.

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(no subject) - [info]bartle_by, 2005-05-12 00:08:22
(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-12 00:12:48

2005-05-11 23:30 (link)
Here's the deal. We don't know what we do, no one does. This is one of those things that until you are put in the that situation, you will never be able to comprehend what it does to you mentally.

When people have something as tramatic (sp?) as I gun to their head, they are not mentally in their right state of mind. They panic, and people who panic say and do things that don't mean to say and do.

No one really knows what they would do. As for the rest of the post, everyone else said what I was thinking anyway.

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2005-05-11 23:35 (link)
Did you delete the thread because you put your foot in your mouth or because you showed that you didn't know what sociology was?

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2005-05-11 23:36 (link)
both I think. I didn't even say anything negative, I just gave her the definiton of sociology.

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(no subject) - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 23:38:19

2005-05-11 23:36 (link)
I did it because what you was saying was pointless. It isn't about me, it's about the question that was asked. You went off track, so I deleted it. Say something else ignorant, and I'll delete it.

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I'd lie like a rug to live for my family. - [info]bellarisa, 2005-05-11 23:46:32
Go 'head, delete this too.
2005-05-11 23:46 (link)
There is something really, really sad about a person who deletes comments because she can't stand being challenged.

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Re: Go 'head, delete this too.
2005-05-11 23:48 (link)
Lol...I'm done with the "challenges" girl, I already made my point. I'm just not going to sit here and let ya'll continue being kids.

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Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 23:49:37
Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]dyvinesweetness, 2005-05-11 23:53:03
Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 23:54:49
Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 23:55:52

(Deleted post)
Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-12 00:04:20
(no subject) - [info]jadedgyrl23, 2005-05-12 00:11:15
Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]jadedgyrl23, 2005-05-11 23:56:02
Re: Go 'head, delete this too. - [info]mzdeidra, 2005-05-11 23:59:03

2005-05-11 23:54 (link)
I'd say yes, I am not going to back down my belifs! Fuck them >_>.

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I'm not a cheerleader, I'm just not a sheep.
2005-05-12 00:05 (link)
Why worship a god that is mean and sadistic enough to want you to get shot?????

A truly loving god would never place any of His Children in such a horrible position. And sorry, but that baloney business of "He's just testing your faith" sounds like something a battered wife would say. Christians refer to Him as "Our Father". I'm starting to think of many of you as abused children.

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Re: I'm not a cheerleader, I'm just not a sheep. - [info]karnythia, 2005-05-12 00:10:17

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