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Tsunami Relief Show! The Drop Zone|Cumberland, RI.

February 23


Taste of Chains: 5:30-5:50
Shores of Effulgence: 6:00-6:25
Toward the Inside: 6:35-7:05
Morris: 7:15-7:45
Marching Through Silence: 7:55-8:45
The Honor Code: 8:55-9:30

Tickets cost $7, all proceeds go to the Tsunami Relief Effort.

Greetings and Welcome to the webpage of Marching Through Silence. We're a band and we play good music, or well, what we believe is good music anyway. Have fun at our little house.

Hails to everyone! Once again, here is another EXTREMELY late update from the world of MTS. Let's see......lots has happened since the last update......where to begin....

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Dropzone show a month or so ago. The turnout was incredible, we played with 5 great bands, and a great time was had by all. Pictures of that show are up in the media section. (thanks to Chris and all who took photos)

Next is the BVT Battle of the Bands. What an interesting day that was. Although the day itself was a huge mess for all involved, when it came time for us to rock, we made sure we rocked.......EXTREMELY HARD!!!! Thanks to everyone who came all the way out to Upton to see us and another big thanks to Jeremy Shannon who rocked so hard he was removed by Police. \m/

Next up in the world of MTS land......some radical new material is being worked on, thinking about a new recording has commenced, and more shows are being planned. We shall keep you updated. Until next time.........\m/ (-_-) \m/

Extremely late updates are become the trend here in MTS land. Sorry. Anyway, the Palladium show was amazing, thanks to everyone who made the trip out there to see us, it means a lot. Pictures from the the show are up (a huge thanks to Photomaster Christopher Thompson, who took these great pictures)......go look at them.

Show on December 30th at the Dropzone.....and as usual....everyone must go.

Oh yea, you can see the pictures from the palladium show by going to the media page and clicking the link.

Infernal Hails to all.

Well, the first thing to say is we would like to send a massive "THANK YOU" to everyone who showed up at battle of the bands to support us and help us take home the first place prize of $100 to Guitar Center. We all had a great time playing the show and hope you had fun at it.

In addition to those who came out to the show to see us, we'd like to also thank all the other bands who played the event. Great job guys. Expect to see some more shows consisting of us and bands from that night's lineup in the future.

The response the new song we unveiled at the battle, "The Pulse" has been great thus far. We're glad you enjoy it.

Watch for our little segment on "BMR TV News" this coming Monday. We have a nifty little part in it.

Much more new material on the way...........perhaps to be recorded near the end of for it.

The "Pictures" section has been dismantled. It'll be rebuilt soon enough.

Last but not least........our show at the Worcester Palladium......go to it....... EVERYONE!!!!

Once again, thanks to everyone who attended/was involved/helped organize/whatever battle of the bands. Good Tidings to all.


With creative differences resolved........the war moves on

Due to creative differences, Marching Through Silence is dead. May it rest in peace.

We'd like to thank everyone everyone who has supported us, it's been a truly amazing experience. Although Marching Through Silence is no longer, you have not seen the last of it's members. Any information regarding new projects featuring members of MTS will be posted here. This site will remain in it's current form for a few months, and will then proceed to revert to it's old url of Again, thanks to everyone who put up with us, loved us, hated us, or had any thoughts on us at all.

Farewell, Marching Through Silence

We broke 5000 hits...hooray!!!Marching Through Silence, aptly Marching on!

Oh yes, and In regards to the Rohan SHow this Friday (27th), doors open at 4, and the show starts at 5. Tickets are Avaible at the door as well.

Hails everyone. MTS is now featured on! There is a link to it on the Media page. Go down there now and check it out!


Hello all. Infernal Hails……this….is the loooooong overdue update. Well, first and foremost, our demo is completed. We have deemed it good enough for public consumption and thus have decided to label it as an ep with the title of “The Eradication Process” This ep release is available free of charge from any of the bands members. You can contact us by either emailing the request to any of us, asking one of us through aim, calling us if you know our numbers, whatever. At any rate, contact one us of and we’ll either give you the next time we see you, mail it to you through postal mail, or perhaps make a personal delivery.

The excellent sound quality (in our opinions anyway) on the demo would have not been achieved without the help of Jim Sharp and his mighty studio. Jim Sharp is a really great guy who runs an amazing studio in Southbridge. He gets a great sound at the little price of $25 an hour. Most studios going $50+ per hour, and, they do not sound as good as Sir Jim Sharp. So, MTS believes all of you people who are wishing to record on your own, go to the studio of Jim Sharp. This guy is so cool, that even after he gave us our master copies of the demo, he called us back the next day and said he was going to make it sound 10 times better free of charge (was was going to bring out the bassdrum and improve the sound altogether) So he did just that, and mailed us 5 shiny new master copies, free of charge. That is how awesome Jim Sharp is. Ask anyone in the band for Jim’s phone number, address, or any other questions you may have. We will be glad to answer your inquiries.

Next up, yes, the Rock for Rohan show has been moved to August 27th. Everyone should go to this show, it’s going to be a great show and it’s for a good cause.

Also, a new section on the website has been created in the media section. This section is called “Art Inspired by MTS” It currently contains 3 pieces of art. One being the cover art for the demo and the other two variations of the same piece. Both crafted in paint. The first, black and white one, was created by John Fluette, and the second, by Tim Martin.

Also, Marching Through Silence now have an official manager, Mr. Raymond Nault, and the material on the demo has been copyrighted. Hooray.

3 of the songs arenow up on purevooume and some photos from the studio will be up in due time. I hope you all enjoy the demo and it would be very helpful if any of you wished to write a review of it or whatever for possible posting on the website. Again contact any of the members for the demo, our contact information is on the contact page. Thanks a lot to all who took the time to read this rather lengthy update. Good tidings to you all.

Hails everyone. Although this is slighty late (due to being off in the grim woods of RI) A big "THANK YOU" to all who came out and saw us at the home of Nick Panu. Post Modern Swingers started off the day with an excellent set, followed by our performance. We played the new tunes, receiving a much better reaction this time (as opposed to that oddly graduation party we played at, where we were pretty much hated) We all rocked hard (especially Andrew, who rocked ut twice, once with PMS on bass and then with us on drums) and are looking foward to more rocking. Anyone who is over 18, please come check us out at the Jarrods Place place show, it's our first club show and it'll be interesting to see what a non local crowd thinks of our music. Anyway, thanks to all have a wonderful day.

Some new pictures have been taken from the recent Gig at Nick's House. Now Listen Carefully...In order to view the pictures (that will be up within the next 24 hours, date: july 15th), You Must go to the media page, via the link at the top of this page. Once you are there, you Must Click on the link that says Nick's House, which will be under the picture that says, "See The Band Rock". Oh yes, And a most gracious thanks to Kerri Patrick from Marching Through Silence and Brent, the webdesigner/ Master of Douche-Baggery.

Hails. We played an unannounced show today. We decided that we would play it only yesterday. It was a graduation Blackstone, on Mendon St.....but we still, have no idea who the graduate was, or if the graduate was even there at all, haha. It happened like this, Redefined wanted to use our speakers, so we let them, and since we were there lending them speakers, we played a set. Not many people enjoyed the more extreme sounds of Marching Through Silence, but I can't say we expected them to. We played two new songs for the first time, those being the epic "K.V.D.D" and "Most Precious Absolution" After us, Redefined owned the stage for 90 or so minutes, playing an excellent set consisting of mostly original material and covers of Dave Matthews, Sublime, and Weezer. Another note, this backyard we played in had the coolest setup ever. We palyed on the foundation for an old building, raised high above the ground. Awesome stage it was. There were no pictures taken, due to the extremely short notice of this gig. Much fun was had by all.

On another note, we are now looking into booking some shows at a club called the Dropzone in Cumberland, and possibly some shows with Redefined. Hope to see you all at Nickfest on Monday, it shall be rockin'.

Shows draw near. Nifty new material to be unveilved. All of up.......especially at Nick's house because thats not 18+ or anything. We're currently working on scheduling some shows at the Living Room in Providence (all ages) and at Fitzy's in Woonsocket (18+) Blagh. Hope to see you there.

oh yes, and happy no longer angry colonist to an imperialist nation day! \mm/

Woot! 3000 hits! All Rejoice in the street in Merriment. Sound the Horns

Infernal Hails.....We go into Jim Shap studios to record on July 26th. Yay for us. Woohoo.

Well, things here in the Marching Through Silence camp have been going quite well as of late. We have two new songs completely finished. One of which is called "Most Precious Absolution" while the other is known as "K.V.D.D." These two songs.......well.......they're really spiffy. They shall be unveiled to you all in the near future, or you can check em' for yourself at a practice, just ask one of us about stopping by the practice arena. As for recording, we were supposed to go into the studio next week, but that will not be happening. We will however, be going in before the end of July. Farewell for now. \m/

Infernal Hails from the grim and frostbitten kingdoms. Well, things in the Marching Through Silence camp are going quite well. We have recently taken on a slight new direction with the songs. Jeff wrote a song, in short, about the apocalypse/armageddon/the end of the world/ whatever you want to call it. This sparked an idea amongst the band for a massive concept. Sooooo........we have decided that our first album will be a concept album (album in which the lyrics are a story) This concept, in a nutshell, is about about.........what else? Armageddon. With this concept in mind, we have been writing some killer new tracks (and I mean killer, this is some AMAZING material) as well as rearranging a few old ones (updating them to fit our current sound) In addition to the new unfinished material, we have a few mighty nifty ideas being thrown around about what to do with other songs that are yet to be. Ummmm........practices are Wednesdays and Fridays. Talk to any one of us if you wish to come and sit in on one. They're usually quite fun. Come and rock with us.

Upcoming Shows:
We're playing some party in Douglas on Friday, June 17th. I really don't have much information about this show, i just know that we are palying it....ask Jeff about it.
The Palladium: We still don't have the exact date or very concrete information on this show. Hopefully we'll know before school is out so that we can spread the word.

Our wish over the summer would be to play at least a show a week, if so, damn, that would be great. Any bands who wish to play with us, please, do not hesitate to contact any of us. We may have some shows over the summer with a death metal band in which James Dunnet (Success) plays in. We also may have shows at Jarrods Place, but those would be 18+. We'll keep you posted as more information about shows comes in.

HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE NEW MARCHING THROUGH SILENCE WEBSITE! Hopefully you all enjoy the new site. Last night was jazz night and what a night it was. The band played an exellent show Featuring the Metal version of the Batman theme, "Pin Needles, and Turbines", and Finally, "December Has Never Been So Cold". all great songs. The guys also did a great job playing w/ the high school jazz band, which finished off the show. aaaaahhhhh, good times.

well if you went to the show last night, I hope you enjoyed it. Take pleasure in the new-fangled site!
-Speaking on behalf of the band, the Mysterious bandit/Webdesigner

We are playing at the BMR land on the night of May 15th, yes, that is jazz night. According to Russ, since metal is based in blues, we have all the right to play. But as of now, it looks like the audience will most likely be parents of people performing in the more jazzy aspects of jazz night. I doubt these people will enjoy us as some of you would. So please support your local rockers by showing up at 7:00. There may be an admission fee, but I doubt it'll be more than 5 or so dollars. Come see us rock out to the Nth degree. It should be quite enjoyable. We are also playing the...............WORCESTER PALLADIUM!!!!!!!.....sometime in the near future. You best show up......aaaaall of you. Anyway, there won't be any major updates for a while......this is because a much better website is currently in the works (created by some people who are much better at webdesigning than I) so ummm.........ya, that'll be up soon. Thanks to all who enjoyed our performance at the Rohan show. Much fun was had by all. Yay. And a final thank you to all you cool cats who visit this website....we just broke 1500 hits. Bitchin'? I think it is. Considering the site has only been up for barely a month. Farewell for now.