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Welcome to my Magic the Gathering site



Hi, and welcome to my Magic the gathering site. Feel free to look around. What I'm trying to accomplish here is a site where people can chat; about strategy, decks, upcoming events, or life. And then a place where you can actually play online. This wont be some fancy detailed thing but it will be nice. What I will have you do is pick a name, you will use this name so people recognize you and can play if they want. You will be given your own page, which if you know something about html's you can create your own, or you can have me make it. On this page will be your decks, ranking, and whatever else you want (within reason). Basically you will be playing with any one of your decks or a fantisy deck. You can make your own by listing any cards you want besides the outruled ones (see below).


Now that you get the basics of this website thare are some simple rules to follow. Only three decks will be allowed, althouth they may be altered or changed completly. That inclueds one fantasy deck. There is no improper language, pictures, or any other obscure mark to be used anywhere in this site (or other peoples site using this, also the chat rooms). Be curtious in playing or chating, dont write when others are writing. Dont hit buttons or mess up any html codes that could cuase problems. Use common sense when writing and visiting. Dont use this or any other chat room on this site for purposes other than that stated above (dont chat, just play). I will take any and all suggestions into account. Thank you in advance for following these rules.


All unglued cards (cracked egg as symble)
All cards that require flipping of coins or using an outside fource
All cards that allow instant win (example=Phage the Untouchable)
More cards may be added at anytime.