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MiSsy_AkiNa's Xanga Site - 12/5/2003 3:17:13 PM

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Posted by: MiSsy_AkiNa

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Original: 12/5/2003 3:17 PM
Comments: 4
eProps: 8

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Friday, December 05, 2003
 im sick... =( wheres baby when i need him?!?! i been sick since wed... n baby havent call me... i had a fever of 109... ahhhhhhhh... n i have a fuckin sore thoat.. i cant even talk... i been out of skool n work... damn... i gotta mad shit 2 make up... baby, i need u 2 make me feel better... anyways u gotta me sick... u didnt take care of me when i was out there... my fever keeps on comin back... it goes away n then comes back... im sooo hot!!! im soo tired 2... omg.. baby i need u... ahhhh... i cant talk... damn help me... my thoat hurts soo much...
 Posted 12/5/2003 at 3:17 PM - email it

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 i hope u feel better ma ight take care and stay in bed ight 1love
 Posted 12/5/2003 at 7:51 PM by InfamOusSAF3

 aww im sick too =[ hope u feel better!!!!!
 Posted 12/6/2003 at 4:32 PM by SwEetxoKiSsez

 take care of your self.. you damn pineapple bunn
 Posted 12/6/2003 at 11:35 PM by sillie_me


SORRY!!!!!!!! hahaah i think i gave you da cold.. newaiz hope you feelin beta nowz.. and yeah we need to go on triple dates.. Yo0o0o... keep mention "andrew' to jennf0.. cuz this bitch is blind when a guy likes her.. roflz aigh i'm 0ut mwuahhz x3


 Posted 12/7/2003 at 12:46 PM by IBaBee_MeIissa

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