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Thursday, 18 December 2003
The performances were ok. Mrs Wheatly wasn't impressed at the play, basically, 4 those of u who weren't there, cassy took da mick out of her. it was funi, lol.

The year 11's laughed at the dance, but we were expectin that! otherwise it was ok, by the second performance i was feeling less shy about it. Could be because parents are nicer about it than 16 Yr olds! saying that, mum is goin to try and make me eat mince, yuck!!!

today was quite boring but finally someone replied! YEY 4 CHARLIE!!! thanku huni, even tho u were not v. complimentry about my site. wat do u mean pike language, one of these days huni, i shall introduce u to some propa pikes then u will see me as posh, i am tryin to get out of that, it is very hard.

Better go now, as i am hungry. LST DAY 2MORO. am feeling about of skiveitis coming on, oh well, i'm leaving at 10:30 YEY!!! only double maths to get through.

Oh yey, got some xmas prezzies 2day, maria got me da coolest socks on the earth!!! the are purple and fluffly, and oh so soft, hee hee, my feet r rele hot tho. see ya xxx (lol)

Posted by bug/lilac at 8:14 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 17 December 2003
Dancing Chickens
Today i went to school, fun. at school we watched sixth form panto, fun. Mr. Dennis made a complete prat of himself as becoming wat looked like a dancing chicken. It was rele hilarious. every1 kept screamin tho and cos our school is crap we don't have decent mics so u couldn't hear most of it.

i came home after that and came on msn where no-one fun was online and joee doesn't count cos he was away. i was v. v. bored. still am. RITE COMMENTS!!! then i can waste my time readin them.

Tomorrow we have a whole day of drama, which is good but we have to perform it infront of the year 11's and yr 10's, Hollie is gonna rip it out of me cos we are all joinin da dancing chickens group, rele fun!!! (sarcasic for the blonde people among u!)

We then have to perform it again in the evening, i rele hope no-one i no is coming!!! seriously, the first dance originates from Ghana i think and is rele rele gay literally, u put ur left arm in, ur left arm out, rite arm in, rite arm out, left foot in, left foot outetc. and turn around, do the okekokey and turn around again, now wave ur arms like a maddo, most of us can do that rele easily tho. i can't wait until it's over!!! help me people, help!!!

Posted by bug/lilac at 6:39 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003
Ok, i am v. v. v. bored. none of u have bothered to post a message so i can't amuse myself to read the crap that u loonies rite. so...wat to do...

Maria has just gone home and james has just got in..great. Mum made james come back because a policeman might come to the door to talk to me. she's wouldn't have made him if Maria was here, i mean come on, what would Maria have done, snored g'day to him. Seriously.

School was as boring as ever. we was watchin p&p in english which was good, then i missed double spanish -YES!!!- because of orthodontist, all fun, i have purple elastics instead of pink ones now, gdgd. hee hee. i am in a rele hyper mood, as u may have gathered now, i am spouting crap, i'm good at doin that. should go now, school and a sports assembly - oh no!- to go 2 tomoro.

Posted by bug/lilac at 9:31 PM GMT
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Monday, 15 December 2003
Hey peoples,
have been to bwtr to go skating jus to find out it was closed!!!! B******ds!! lol. i'm not to sure about how ur meant to add comments (joee) i'll experiment 4 u all.
i shall do that now.

omg, how borin was biology today, apart from da bit when she was talkin bout mouses and said they were cute black and soft, i said, that aint a mouse, that's a rat, she heard me, lol

ohhhhh lifes so fun!!!

Posted by bug/lilac at 8:32 PM GMT
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Sunday, 14 December 2003
Right, i have signed up for this random thing and it is talking about blogs, ok...v. random. today i have been to da club dina, was v. crap and borin (no offence Sam) they had packet budgie brains with walnuts...interesting...

I have double business studies first thing tomorrow, great, at least Maria will be with me, ah yes, my darling Maria, god, i'm almost getting as bad as Joee and Monty, noooooooooooooooo...

Btw, i don't care if u don't find this interesting, but it means we can keep in touch incase ur not answering ur msn, not mentioning any names, joee, matt.

Posted by bug/lilac at 8:13 PM GMT
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