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Eye of the Rager

Beast from the West


Rage is at LAX, and he is taking the first flight over to Raleigh, North Carolina. Lately Rage has been the target of a lot of hate mail, mainly dealing with RWO happenings…so Rage doesn’t travel alone much anymore. Rage is sitting next to former World Champion Shanghai Kid, together both are wearing RWO shirts and are look to a relatively goof flight.


Shanghai Kid: Yo, Rage about how long is the trip?


Rage: Like 6 hours Shangs, sit tight


Shanghai Kid: I hope we get to see Rush Hour 2


Rage: You and your Jackie Chan movies


Shanghai Kid: Yeah, you got a problem with it?


Rage: I could whip Jackie Chan’s ass from here all the way down to his land of the rising sun, I just don’t see the big deal about him


Shanghai Kid: Whatever, he’s cool. Are you going to talk about Savage or what?


Rage: Yeah


Shanghai Kid: Can I get some earphones miss?


Rage: Very funny Shangs. But on a serious not, yes I will talk a bit about Savage right now. Savage and I in many ways are opposites, but rest assure there isn’t one thing about him that attracts me to him. He is the beast of the east like I am the beast of the west. He is a bad wrestler while I am good one. He is an inconsistent son a bitch while I am consistent and born to a non-bitch mother. The list goes on and on Shanghai. The major difference between the two of us is one of future implications. For on Friday Night Riot, it will be Rage vs Savage and only one of can win, meaning that the other of course will lose. Another major difference between the two of us Shanghai, is that when the history of books of Internet Championship Wrestling will be written, your name wont even come in the proximity of mine. I am no Icon, I don’t claim things that I am not…but by all means I am a legend, a hall of famer, and a man of many records. Savage, the best thing you ever had going for you was an Intercontinental Title Reign, and lets be honest Savage…it was just merely the IC title. You can’t really expect to be better then me just because you manages to hold the third best title in the fed for just a slightly above average time period. You see Savage, during that time period I was busy climbing the ladder…again. You know, things you do when you are actually an accomplished wrestler here in Internet Championship Wrestling. Savage this match up we have will prove a lot of things, for both of us. It will show me that I am apt enough to make another run at the World Title here in Internet Championship Wrestling. On the contrary it will tell people whether or not you were just a mere one hit one wonder or not…my personal belief is that you were…and obviously that would be proven with a victory over you. Guarantee? Nah, I don’t need to…I don’t need to put myself over my guaranteeing things Savage. I have done plenty in my time, and while I am very sure I will kick your ass and pin you…I see no purpose in guaranteeing victory. Savage on the other hand, your desperate for the publicity…especially since no one cares about your sorry ass anymore…you can do as you please. You want to guarantee a victory, you wanna tell me I can choke on your cock, you wanna pretend to be viscous and into gory details about what will you do to my beaten carcass…go right ahead. All I have to do is look in your eyes, and Ill catch that left pupil of yours at the exact right angle…and I’ll know that you’re really trembling and quite nervous about our match. The truth is you can talk the talk but when it comes time to walk, people who have actually been there before intimidate you…namely because people like me and Oso have been around the block, and you just scale out every chance you get…well Savage, by all means leave Internet Championship Wrestling again…I wont miss you.


Shanghai Kid: Neither Will I


Rage: A lot of people would and have said the same about you Shangs


Shanghai Kid: As they could you


Rage: Good point


Shanghai Kid: I have a few


Rage: Now if only you could strap a few wins with those few good points of yours, you could be something, you could be a contender


Shanghai Kid: Can it Rage, focus on Savage. Remember when he kicked his ass?


Rage: Wow, I’ve been talking about Savage a few times now nd I’ve forgotten to bring up that instance each and every time. Yo Savage, if you want just a glimpse of the power and authority I, Rage, have just rewind to WrestleRage IV. It was my show buddy, and I just stormed in your locker room, introduced the newest member of Rage World Order, and stomped a hole through your heart. I can do just about that to just about anyone I want, anytime I want. If I wanted an edge over you for Friday Night Riot, all I have to do is enter your locker room with my boys and wipe the floor with your bald ass. Through my time here in Internet Championship Wrestling I have developed a natural fear to all those who surround me. People just know and are aware of what I am capable in the ring and out of the ring, I don’t remember the last time someone tried to sneak attack me…because no one is that dumb. Savage, you may me dumb enough to get in the ring with me…after all it is your job, but are you seriously dense enough to talk shit about me, to try and pick a fight with me out of the ring, or just be an ass? I don’t think so, I think your common sense just as well as everyone’s common sense prevents them from doing such things. WrestleRage IV not only see me beat your ass backstage, but Reaper’s after his match, as well as Big Al Stud in the early going. The number of wrestlers here in Internet Championship Wrestling that I have spray painted or Ger has spray painted has an astronomical number. Rage World Order just flat out terrorized Internet Championship Wrestling since 2001 moving us into an elite group of stables that have managed to defeat the toughest opponent of all…time. Time as always does tell the ending to a story and so far time has not told the ending to the Rage World Order story…or Rage himself. Friday Night on Riot, will have no other consequence then RWO and Rage reigning supremely…again. Call it an RWO night, call it a Rage night, call it whatever you want…it will happen. I don’t recall a time in the past year when me and/or RWO has been stronger, and while it may not seem like it…I will show it…again and again. Savage you may be the first victim, but you wont be the last nor will this be your only time as a victim. The long year of Internet Championship Wrestling is much in front of us, and we are only going into the third month as is, and already have I managed to snag the United States Championship. I am sure many more accomplishments will decorate me through the year, but honestly…I am not focused on that. I just really want to smack some sense into Savage, let him respect people like EL Oso and I, and not simply discard us people who haven’t earned things here…like he so vehemently exclaimed in his WrestleRage promos. Savage the only reason why you don’t respect us, is cause your never here.


Shanghai Kid: I respect ya Rage


Rage: Likewise Shangd


Shanghai: Anyway, I think they are calling this event the New Era


Rage: The New Era?


Shanghai Kid: Echo?


Rage: Funny, but the new era? Wow, I wonder what marketing genius came up with that one. Yeah, I suppose it’s a new era in that it’s the official breakout of the new year with WrestleRage IV now under everyones belt. We do have rising stars here in Internet Championship Wrestling, we have the Chris Madison’s, the Johnny Jacobsens, the Mark Adkins, and the Rex Butlers….all of which are gaining a household name. But when you look at the names on the tops of cards, you see the same people like El Oso, Rage, Big AL Stud, etcetera…that and Savage. Things in ICW have not changed much, and I don’t see them changing much for a while. It will take some massive will power to overcome people like us. But it’s not impossible and it’s not something to bitch about. It took me thirteen straight wins and a battle royal victory in order to elevate myself to a World Title contender and Main Eventer. I don’t see rookies these days trying to establish themselves by any means. They get booked in matches and complain, sometimes they win sometimes they lose…no surprises anywhere. If you want to be noticed you need to do something noticeable. You cant just expect people to be drawn to you just because you tell them to, you can only do that when you have reached a point in your career like I have in mine. You can only do something an established superstar or legend can do…when you have established yourself as a superstar or a legend. The main problem I see with this rookie class and EVERY rookie class is that they have no motivation and expect things to just be handed to them. In fact no rookie since I have debuted in late June of 2001 has EVER won the World Title, only a handful have won the United States title, namely Madison,Jacobsen, and “Mad’ Anthony Wayne. Maybe the three of them one day will in fact one day will reign supremely as a World Champion, but until that day comes…I remain the last newcomer to ever win the World Title. No, its not because I am involved with politics, no it’s not because I did something impossible…all I did was win, have a determined attitude, and good things follow. If anyone who is a rookie wants my advice…that’s what I have to say…wrestle in a determined fashion and try your best EVERY Time…and I guarantee you good things will happen. That’s what the new era needs to have, some old lessons from one of the great ones. IF this new era wants any chance to succeed, they will indeed need to change their attitudes of late. I mean, all I have to now to win a match, like this one against Savage, is try. And everyone knows by now Try I will, Win I will, and Lose He will, cause THE RAGE WILL EMERGE. For almost two years now THE RAGE HAS EMERGED!


Shanghai Kid: That catchphrase never gets old to you, does it?


Rage: Nah


Shanghai Kid: I think I need one then


Rage: Why don’t you bring back Big Daddy Cool to be your bodyguard


Shanghai Kid: Oh….fuck off Rage


The two man chuckle and lay back in their seat as the plane takes off to Raleigh North Carolina.