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  The Rainbow Land-Crab



There are many ways to set-up a tank  for this crab.

1. Half land-half water

2. All water (about 3-4 inches high depending on size of crab)

3. Terrarium


1.  This is probably the best choice for your crab.  Provide an area of water that is about the size of your crab height wise.  Make sure that your crab can fully submerge its body so it can keep its lungs wet or it wil die.  Then make an area of gravel (not too fine)that slopes up out of the water and onto land.  

2.  In an all water tank the water has to be about 3-4 inches high.  Put lots of  rocks and logs so the crab can  get out of the water with ease and not drown. 

3.  First too set-up a terrium for your crab then you need a sand or bark substrate.  Then add a bunch of objects in your tank like logs or rocks so the crab can climb on.  Second provide a water dish about how tall the crab is so it can submerge itself.



 If this crab is in an all water tank or has lots of water it would probably be best to get a filter to circulate the water.  If not then you will have to change the water in the tank every week or so but if you have a water dish then you should change it every other day.



All you need is a underwater heater to keep the water about 74 to 80 degrees ferhenhiet.  During the winter you might need a heat mat under the tank.



This crab eats:



-cuttle fish( very important for it to be heathy)





-blood worms

Give a variety.  Also remove any uneaten food left over that looks like its gonna go bad.


These crabs should be never housed together because they are aggressive and will fight to there death. 


This is my crab called Pincers

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