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It's Really Me...

Yes folks, it is the long awaited Jason Bauer website in gleaming html! I know some of you have been waiting a long time to see this dream come to fruition. You may find some things of interest to you here, I'll try to keep it as interesting as possible. Enjoy yourself, but try to keep it off the keyboard, David, Ben, Blake, I'm talking to you guys...

This is my baby picture

I'm not sure about the significance of the Godzilla pictures. All I can tell you is that I will change them as soon as I can figure out how to do that. Maybe I should buy a book or something. Anyway, I kind of like them. You can talk to me on my "blog" (don't ask, I just found out what a blog was today) by clicking on the "My thoughts" button. Maybe I'll see you there. Bye, have a good day.