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Jade's Website

Here are some Poems, that I wrote

  • MASK (please understand)

  • I put it on
  • So no one can really see
  • The cruel words people have said to me
  • It's my armour so it won't be done again

  • I'm sure you don't understand
  • the pain and suffering I've seen
  • It's even taught me to be insecure
  • It's with me every descion of and day of my life
  • hurtfulness like the stabing of a very sharp knife

  • When you stepped into my heart
  • You started showing that there's more then the pain
  • that stains my cold heart
  • You make me feel like I'm something special
  • Like i'm actually good for more then just complaints
  • So when you saw those tears stream down my face
  • I took my mask off for once, to show you
  • I really do care
  • It took alot more then it looked
  • For it was very hard to remove my mask
  • I did it though because you mean alot to me
  • more then words can say
  • You know me though
  • Even if you don't always understand.

    Maybe this once you'll be the one, my armour my strength when I am not strong
  • so I don't have to hide behind this mask.