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I Am C.W. Badness

HI, my name is Connor William. I am currently 15 months old. I was brought into this crazy world on the evening of May 8th, 2002. Weighing in at 6lbs 14.5oz, 18.5 inches, I was only a featherweight but I packed a powerful punch. My parents are completely insane! They make me do silly things like say their names over and over and over again but their joy never fades. I don't get it! I mean I don't get excited when they say my name. Mumma! Yea! Dada! Yea! Oh, and then there is my Nana Head! Well to put it nicely....the woman is NUTS about me! But I love her so much that I feel the overwhelming urge to scream insanely whenever she comes over to visit. Come to think of it, I go pretty crazy when Nanny Slaunwhite comes over as well....hhhmmmm....may be it is in the name? Or may be it's the grey hair? Just kidding, ya know I love you guys. Oh and Dapa! He bought me a red wagon and he takes me to Tim Horton's and buys me Timbits. He is pretty cool, even shares his donut with me most times. My Grandpa Slaunwhite has a zoo. There are horses and goats and gigantic dogs! I love my Grandpa, he used to rock me in the chair and put me to sleep so now I am a little iffy around him. I mean why would I want to sleep when we can play!?!

I have some great uncles and one aunt as well. There is my Uncle Joey who lives downstairs from me. He gives me lots of goodies to eat and he has FISH. I can say fish! Go me! There is Uncle Earl who I don't see very much but he spoils me rotten and buys me really bigh teddy bears and Gap clothes. He says that I have to dress in the style like him so I can pick up Chicks and get their numbers to put in my lil black book. Uncle Mark tells me that Chicks are good and that I should have as many as I can. I think that it would be great to have a lot of Chicks. If I knew what they were! :)

Then there are my Uncle Calvin and Uncle Danny. They live out West so I have never had a chance to meet them but I am sure I will some day. I hope when they come home to visit they bring my cousins so we can play. Aunt Amanda, I met her just a couple of weeks ago when she came home from out West for a visit. I wish that I had some more time to get to know her but I suppose I will some day. She seemed really nice. Well enough about the family and more about me... On the next few pages you will be able to read funny stories about me and my life.

Connor's Favorite Sites!

A great place to pick up Chicks! (pardon the pun :))