
Wendsday 1:02 AM 11/23/2004
Cough... a year without an update. A site move. A domain. Has Donovan gone nuts? No, thats not it, he has just become a workaholic. Well all you ramblers, vagabonds, n'er do wells, creeps, creations, and other transgendered species, welcome to the new home of all of my off time functions in this drab world. Unfortunately I am no longer in New London (unfortunately? is he serious... nah he has to be playing a joke), however, I have found a new home to LARP in, and that would be the chronicle of Ashes of Norfolk. Updates to follow, bugger off, I go to sleep now.

Thursday 3:13 AM EST 9/4/2003
One week after it's conception, the New London by Night web site is now operational. However, it must remain on life support for a few more days. New areas will open shortly as it recovers it's strength.

Tuesday 12:07 AM EST 9/2/2003
Website designer came to a conclusion in a flash of brilliance that he needed a spell checker.

Monday 11:56 PM EST 9/1/2003
Recently (ie. last saturday) a vote was held by our player base. This chronicle has been adapted (with much glee and delight to the storytellers) and refit to be run as a Sabbat Chronicle. And you thought it was safe to walk out of the house on a saturday night (insert evil laughter).

Friday 7:39 AM EST 8/29/2003
And from darkness comes dawn, and all the creatures of the night lay down to rest. However, there is no sleep for the wicked... or webmasters.

Creation Rules


House Rules

Art Gallery


Story Corner

     New London, a sleeping city with the potential for use: A cog of the machine of war. The Camarilla once held this outpost, by tooth and nail due to its close proximity to the glorious city of New York. The Sabbat, once rooted from their seat of power in the metropolis, quickly set their eyes upon our once owned gem. Welcome to the siege my friend; we are one step closer to reaquiring the Long Island and Manhattan strongholds that are rightfully ours!

Archbishop Ivan Tupolav's acceptance speach

Welcome to the New London by Night website.

     For those of you who do live in the City of New London, this is a disclaimer: Information within this site is FICTIONAL. Vampires are not real and do NOT manipulate the unknowing masses. However, if you think you are a vampire, click here.

     With the disclaimer out of the way, on to the actual description of New London. From what I have seen (take into consideration that I have only been in this region for a year and a half) New London is your average mid sized city. It seems, from an outsiders point of view, to be a decent city full of interesting attractions along with a moderate dose of history. Of course it has its fair share of drunks, bums, and criminals.

     Now for the revised setting for our Minds Eye Theater Live Action Roleplaying troupe:

     At one time New London used to be a sleepy little city, but the midnight factions could not leave it alone. Being a strategic stepping stone onto Long Island, neither the Camarilla nor the Sabbat could neglect it. Pollution chokes the river Thames as does the clouds of unchecked emissions strangle the populous. The Sabbat has had plans for this city for many years, however their attention had been diverted to the other fronts in the nightly war.
     With their seat of power removed from New York, the Sabbat has turned their visions of dominance to New London. A small group of unorganized Camarilla cainites had held the city for generations, it was ripe for the taking. The fighting lasted less than a week, the mighty siege engine of the Sabbat wrenched control of the riverside city for the use of their sect. Without hesitation the Sword of Caine started manipulating and preparing for a counter attack... it never came.
     The City of New London has become the home of many Sabbat packs, each still waiting for the glorious call of a crusade to take back what is rightfully theirs, New York. However, until then, there is much work to be done. Factories to open, crime to cultivate, and the masses to oppress under the boot heel of Cainite superiority. Come my brothers and sisters, to war we march!

And now... for the leagal shit!
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