Craig Mountney What I like about World History I enjoyed history class this year because of the variety of what I learned. We were able to learn about so many things from the Roman Empire to China and all about. Even though I did not exceed in all of my tasks at hand, I enjoyed the class quit well. With You as my teacher, I was able to overcome me fear of taking the time to say what was on my mind. Your funny comments, great personality, outstanding teaching skills showed greater expense toward us students. It will break my heart that I will not be able to wake up at the crack of dawn just to hear you preach to me about stuff I kinda want to hear about. When I first met you I was skeptical about giving you a chance a letting me create a horizon of my skills at learning, but I gave you a chance. It was a good thing to, because now I know next year I have to work 110% to get what I want. For some reason I didn't work at all to my ability and still manage to get an A. For that I applaud you. If you are able to get a student like me to get such a good grade then you must be one of the best teachers. I wish I would have took the time to study China, India, Rome, and the other great civilizations you talked about. I find it all fascinating but I still don't take the time to read up on it. Maybe starting this summer I will. I just hope next year I will be able to have you as a teacher and show you how good of a student I really am and how i can excell. With an opportunity of you as a teacher who would not have a good time?

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