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GLASA Guestbook

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We have a very open attendance policy. Anyone can come and join GLASA!!! Students at Queens College tend to have a busy schedule, and we understand that. However, we respectfully request that all members try to participate in the organization.

By participation, we mean three things:
* Please try to attend some of the events that we hold
* Please try to help the officers organize events (In the recent past, we tried to form committees within the club. However, that idea melted pretty quickly. Helping out can mean create flyers, offer ideas, post up flyers, etc. Some of the little things and actions can be quite significant.)
* Please try to give some input on how you think of GLASA is doing. You can be as frank, honest or blunt as you want. We need criticism and commentary in order to constantly improve GLASA. After all, GLASA exists for its club members.

Not only does helping out GLASA keep the organization alive and going strong, it also provides you with an opportunity to make new friends, learn new things and, quite importantly, learn about yourself.


GLASA practices a STRICT confidentiality policy. All member records are held by GLASA officers only, and are not published in any way, shape or form. Furthermore, we make great efforts not to “out” anyone (meaning we do not reveal to others anyone’s sexuality or sexual preference, etc). What is said within the GLASA office walls and at GLASA events remains there. We expect all of our club members to uphold this policy. We ask that all members of the organization to respect each other’s privacy.


We seek to further the social unification of all people regardless of sexual orientation or identity. We seek to accomplish this ideal through three paths:
* Social: to provide and maintain a safe atmosphere for people of various identities to express themselves and be free of discrimination and prejudice
* Support: to maintain a network of friends so that we can discuss problems and issues, and exchange ideas with people who are accepting and understanding
* Political: to work towards a society of acceptance of all sexual identities and orientations.


I’m only going to put our email here because I don’t know how safe it is to post our phone number and location on this site. So…if you want to contact us, please send an email to Please do not hesitate to email us and ask us anything or even to request more information. We have an excellent secretary, who checks the GLASA email quite regularly and she is very, very friendly. =)