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HARDWARE modems modems give the computer the ablility to communicate with other comnputers over the phone lines or the cable TV system. for most people this means connecting to the internet and the WWW or to work. other users use modems for using the computer as an answering machine, fax, or voice mail system. one of the other great uses for the modem combined with the computer is video conferencing . Modems are extremely slow compared to the rest of the computer, in fact, i cannot consider using modems because it would be far too slow to share the connection and having many connections at once would be too expensive. cable modems allow you to access the internet at much higher speeds using a different systm. other types of high speed internet include ISDN and ASDL. these new broadband style connnections are the type that i would prefer, they would allow all of the staff to be browsing the internet at the same time without any significant loss of speed. Network adapter a network adapter inyour copmputer plays essentially the same role as a modem, but it operates much faster. the fastest modems available can transfer up to 7000 bytes per second over the phone lines. the cheapest network adapter operating over a dedicated network can operate at 10Mb/s, this is equivalent to 1.2 million bytes per second. these networks can be set up inexpesively, the cards can cost as little as ten pounds. these inexpensive networks, can pdrovide peripheral sharing and even common internet access to several computers. it can also enable easy back ups between the computers, and the sharing of a printer. Sound System sound cards translate data stored on your computer or downloaded from the internet into the analog sound waves we can hear, a process called digital to analog conversion. sound cards can also take the analog or speech from a recording or microphone and rapidly sample it creating a digital version of the sound for use on the computer, known as analog to digital conversion. the primary items differentiating sound systems are the pwer and clarity of their amplifiers and speakers. similarlty cheap sound cards may not make as clear a recording as their brand name alternatvies. however the main marketing mpoints for high end sound cards are their wave table sound an polyphony compotnents. wave table sound allows a sound card to play a form of compresssed music commmonly used wiht games ad multi media presentation. polyphony refers to how many independent sound streams the card can produce and mix at one instance. sound cards are now used for speech recognition, talking to your computer and it typing for you, this will save on time for any staff that need to do a lot of typing, but may not be of use in the call centre. -------------------------------------------------------------------- USER NEEDS One of the major things they will require is an operating system. I would go with windows XP because it offers the most compatibility and also can handle business network. an up to date software package is also required, the most compatible solution is MS office XP. another solution could be lotus SmartSuite, but it may contain some software conflicts since it is not made by Microsoft. these software packages include a word processor, a spreadsheet creator, a database creator, a desktop publishing software. these applications are useful in the workplace because they can handle many different tasks. a web browser is also required to allow research on prices and to browse WCT's own intranet. the two main web browsers that could be used are MS internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Email clients such as MS outlook or Pegasus could be used to contact customers or internally with other staff. the word processor would be used for creating letters reports and memos. the spreadsheet creator would be used for creating invoices and maintaining the company accounts. the database program would be used for keeping customer details. the call centre will need to contain enough computers so that each member of staff has access to one at all times. the computer will need to be powerful and fast enough to handle all of the tasks that it will be used for. decent graphic, sound, and network cards are required to allow some advanced functions including networking. the hard drive must have a good capacity to cope with storing all of the applications, documents and the database. it will also require a lot of RAM to use all of the applications and possibly to have more than one open at once. good quality keyboards and mice are also required. I would like to go with an optical mouse, so that the ball never needs changing. monitors are also required, I would like to go with 21 inch flat screen (TFT) monitors to avoid eye strain and save space. floppy disk drives and CD writers are required for data transfer and backups. a high capacity network printer is also required. this will allow all of the computers to share it and the manager will be able to see what is being printed. the OS needs to be configured with password access and up to date antivirus software for security. dates and times also need to be configured, along with a company desktop background. USER NEEDS One of the major things they will require is an operating system. i would go with windows xp because it offers the most compatibility and also can handle business network. an up to date software package is also required, the most compatible solution is MS office XP. another solution could be lotus smartswuite, but it may contain some software conflicts since it is not made by microsoft. these software packages include a word processor, a spreadsheet creator, a database creator, a desktop publishing software. these applications are useful in the workplace because they can handel many different tasks. a web browser is also required to allow research on prices and to browse WCT's own intranet. the two main web browsers that cbould be used are MS internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Email clients such as MS outlook or Pegasus could be used to contact customers or internally withi other staff. the word procesor woould be used for creating letters reports and memos. the spreadsheet creator would be used for creating invoices and maintaining the company accounts. the database program would be used for keeping customer details. the call centre will need to contain enough computers so that each member of staff has access to one at all times. the computer will need to be powerful and fast enough to handle all of the tasks that it will be used for. decent graphic, sound, and network cards are required to allow some advanced functions including networking. the hard drive must have a good capacity to cope with storing all of the applications, documents and the database. it will also require a lot of RAM to use all of the applications and possibly to have more than one open at once. good quality keayboards and mice are also required. i would like to go with an optical mouse, so that the ball never needs changing. monitors are also required, i would like to go with 21 inch flat screen (TFT) monitors to avoid eye strain and save space. floppy disk drives and CD writers are required for data transfer and backups. a high capacity networkable printer is also required. this will alow all of the computers to share it and the manager will be able to see what is being printed. the OS needs to be configured with password access and up to date antivirus software for security. dates and times also need to be configured, along with a company desktop background.