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This is Gros Mourne Mountain


Gros Mourne:Gros means big, mourne is a Creole word for a small rounded mountain standing alone.

Gros Mourne National Park which is located on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland and Labrador is open year round, with lots to see and do. The park entrance is on route 430 just before reaching Wiltondale.
Head west on route 431 towards Woody Point and Trout River to view the wonderous Tablelands. At Woody Point you can visit the Discovery Centre, where you can learn about the park's geology, plant and animal life, marine life and much more.
Stay on route 430 and visit Rocky Harbour the focal point of the park. Around Rocky Harbour there is much to do, visit Lobster Cove Lighthouse, take a hike at Berry Hill, indoor swimming, theatre shows and live entertainment at the local pub. Further north on route 430 is Green point, Broom Point, Western Brook Pond and last but not least is Cow Head/Shallow Bay. For more information click:

Watch out for the moose!

They don't have Stop signs.