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Baby-Sitting is a great way to make a little extra spending money and have alot of fun. Here are some tips that I learned from two years experience.

Its a good idea to get there early so you can meet the kids.

Make sure and ask the parents if the kids have any allergies.

Ask for the phone number of where the are going or for there cell phone number so you can reach them in case you have a problem.

If you are baby-sitting at night make sure you know what time the kids need to be in bed.

You should start getting ready for bed at least a half an hour early to give them time to settle down.

I don't recommend going outside but if you do make sure you have a key and ask the parents if it's okay before the leave.

Sometimes it is a good idea to bring a small craft or game to play, the kids have fun the parents appriciate it and it keeps the kids busy so it's good for everybody.

Try not to get the kids to excited becuse it is veary hard to get them settled back down.

When all else fails say "Hey lets watch a movie!".

Don't have people over while you are baby-sitting.

Try to set a good example for the kids remember that they look up to you. is a good place to go for simple baby-sitting crafts.

When it's time to be paid $2.50 a kid per hour is a good rate but I usally just let the parents pay me what they can, sometimes it's more, sometimes less, but always fair.

Now that you know a few basic tips you are ready to go. Taking a Red Cross class such as CPR is a good idea to take before you get started baby-sitting as well . I recomend baby-sitting for a friend of your parents first to get the feeling of being alone with kids.

If you would like to e-mail me with any questions or comments about baby-sitting clicking on the mail box

E-mail me.

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