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Our Government Project

Two main topics

My Favorite Web Sites

The Solutions
The Problems

Our Government Project </head> <Center> ___________________________ </center> <Center> This webpage will disscuss the topic of illegal dumping in the state of california. This page was created for web project for an American Government Class. </Center> <center> <form><textarea name="put_name_here" rows="10" Cols="34" > Hey look what i can do (Possable use of recents news of illegal dumping.)</textarea></form> </center> <br> Page created by Jenn and Nikki <br> <!-- \/ GuestGEAR Code by \/ --> <a href=""><img border=0 ismap src=""></a><br> <a href=""><font face="arial,helv,helvetica,sans serif" size=-1>View My Guestbook</font></a><br> <a href=""><font face="arial,helv,helvetica,sans serif" size=-1>Sign My Guestbook</font></a><br> <!-- /\ End GuestGEAR Code /\ --> <Center><font color="purple"> Please come again!</font></center> <p> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> </body> </html>