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Friday, 20 June 2003
A day a day
Today it is a day that everybody knows as the day that you are bored but you also don't want to do the things that you have to do.

I am waiting for samples from fedex and than you cannot leave the house because if you leave the house than they come and so you can wait for at least
for two days before they come again.

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 10:36 AM BST
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Monday, 16 June 2003
Work work work
Today I had only one thing to do, work :(
It was again a hot day in here so these are the days you exactly wanna lay down on a beach.

So I am happy the day is over today , at this moment I am cleaning my room a bit so that the 'cave' is more livable , my parents were already saying is there life possible in your room it must be possibel on mars as well

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 7:59 PM BST
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Sunday, 15 June 2003
A sad day
Today I woke up and I saw some missed calls on my cellphone, I saw it was my father.

I already had an impression where that could be about and when he called me again , he brought me the message

My grandfather died, when I visited him yesterday
in the hospital he still said my name and waved
at me My grandfather always had been a great example to me the way he leaded the family and his farm in good and bad times always impressed me a lot

After I got the message I went to the city with my friend Gwenda, we had a talk about life and about getting married and stuff and about the difference between the Dutch girls and the girls from abroad.

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 4:59 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 June 2003 5:04 PM BST
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Saturday, 14 June 2003
The Wild Rover
I have played the Wild Rover.....
that was what I was singing yesterday when I left the bar...

So it was an alcoholic night that started in the irish pub and ended in cafe ipon.

Going out is something that I like to do because it frees your mind from everything that you normally think of but don't wanna think of.

In the Netherlands we used to have this song from Doe Maar called 'later komt de kater , later komt de spijt ' they sing there Later comes the hangover later you feel sorry , let us not think of the near future.

Probarly this is also the reason that have no inspiration at this moment to log a nice piece.

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 6:10 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 June 2003 5:31 PM BST
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Thursday, 12 June 2003
The temple of doom
Today was a nice day woke up arround 11:00am, had breakfast and went to the city because of an appointment that I had overthere.

After the apointment I had my lunch in the city and during that lunch I noticed why most people follow a certain trend or style and live their life in a certain kind of group.

I saw a group of boys and girls in the age of approx 18 , they were wearing those half sized pants with gymnastic shoes with a lonsdale t-shirt. I tried to follow their conversation, they were talking about what happened with one of their friends and which music they liked. The nice thing about these conversations was that the leader of the group gave a certain mid-point and that the rest of the group confirmed when the mid-point was reached.

It seems that people feel more comfortable when they don't have to think.

A sect such as the Jehova's Withnesses and or the different protestant churches always played into this feeling of safety that some people miss. When people invented god they invented something to declare the undeclared.

For the rest it was a productive day and today I am going to try to sleep for one time a bit early.

The jehova's kingdom hall close to my house :
We always call it jehova nova or the temple of doom:)

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 7:22 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 12 June 2003 9:41 PM BST
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Wednesday, 11 June 2003
The doctor
Today I had to go to the doctor because of an ear-infection. I had to be there at 14:30 and I must say that I was just in time.

I was directed to the waiting room by the doctors assistant , I hoped that I didn't had to wait too long , a waiting room in the Netherlands has next to many complaining old people always the everlasting promotional movies about what you should do and what you shouldn't do and what the doctor is doing and what he doesn't do and after you saw it for 66 time it is going to bore I can tell you.

After 10 minutes a beautifull lady called me and asked me if she may investigate me for a moment , no problem I said , she looked into my ears and told me that she was doing a traineeship for doctor. She made her diagnoses and asked my doctor what she should do, I got a prescription for a certain kind of medicin that helps against ear infections.

When I went to the pharmacy it was just like I was stepping into an old peoples home and all they where complaining as usual and trying to set up a conversation with me or other people that were not looking for that and so I had to wait very long again, after I got my medicin I went to Fish-shop and got me a raw-heering with unions , it tasted great , new catch of 2003 that makes a men awake.

Did some shopping and went back home.

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 10:55 PM BST
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I opened a weblog
I decided that it is a good thing to let the poeple know what is going on these days in the life of the average Dutchman.

The Netherlands is as you know a small country where everything is prohibited, if you want to smoke a joint you go to a coffeeshop and if you want to go to the hookers you cannot because they are in strike.
(Yes even they have labour union overhere).

I am living in Eindhoven, a city in the south of the Netherlands that most of you people will know because Philips is found here.

Posted by bug/gauloisdevin at 10:21 PM BST
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