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Wednesday, November 12, 2003

O today feels like a Monday. yea u probably don't want to hear about my day so just enjoy the pictures!! ^__^

Pictures from NHS Induction Ceremony:

Me Walking onto the Stage

Lighting the Candles

Yay! We're so happy!

Me, Brian, Tony, Dan, Doug


Me and Tony

Ok I'll post the rest up this weekend along with the rest of the pictures from my birthday party. I know u'll want to see those.. ~__^

Mood: TirrrRrredD

Edit: Damn! My dad does NOT know how to take pictures!! Half of my pix are not focused and fuzzy!! NOOO!! This sucks! =(

posted by frank 9:29 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

matrix revolution=dissapoint =(
posted by frank 1:15 AM

Sunday, November 09, 2003

and so it 17th birthday. First, $400 Hold em tournament at Stamm's. Yea I lost majorly, I suck at gambling. Afterwards we went to my house for some hot pot dinner. A few toasts. Good times. Nothing major yet. More people showed up and we just chilled in the basement.

Randomness that happened:
-weight lifting contest with drinkin
-ping pong tournament with drinkin
-lying on the deck watching the lunar eclipse
-Messener humping Deanna with "fake" dick
-me falling asleep in the bathroom
-birthday toasts
-more but can't seem to remember now.

Major Gambling Going on


Birthday Toast

Ping Pong

On my Deck Watching Lunar Eclipse

Birthday Toast #2

yea. it was really fun but that was the whole point anyways. I'll update all the pictures later when I have time.
posted by frank 12:34 PM

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Sweeeet. FOR ONCE!! Minimal homework today. Gonna listen to some good music and hopefully go to bed early lol. Can't wait for the weekend. It's my b-day!! I'm going to be 17. yea, now I can see R movies legally. ha.

Off to cook some dinner for myself. Later!

Mood: relaxed and happy

posted by frank 5:12 PM

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

o man. riding in the evo feels so good! feels sexy. rofl.

yea. for gym i'm taking tap dancing. I'll be amazing soon.

Mood: work

posted by frank 6:52 PM

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Late arrival tomorrow!! should I get more sleep or go watch the Matrix??!!!

Ahhh!!! Peter got the EVO!!!! (aka Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution) Holy shit that car is uncompare! AMAZING!! So sexy that I just want to sex it. haha jk. I need to take some pictures of that and post it. yeaaaaa....Now me and him can roll out in style lol. watch out for a CTS and EVO on the road. rofl.

Mood: thinking...

posted by frank 5:21 PM

Monday, November 03, 2003

Home alone now. Dad left for Vegas this morning. I'm left home alone again. Went out and brought some chinese food for dinner just now. Anyone want to come over to chill cuz I'm lonely!! I have a lot of chinese food!! =D

Maaaan, spanish in-class essay was kind hard today, and so was the chem. test. arg i think I made a lot of stupid mistakes. I hate stupid mistakes!! O well, we'll see tomorrow. Last Friday was the end of 1st quarter, I'm pretty good so far but the grades aren't final yet...another quarter to go! OK, off to dinner. yum.

Mood: no mood.

posted by frank 6:32 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2003

ouch. neck hurts cuz i slept werid last night. just got back from 4 hours at the library studying for the ap chem test and doing labs. fun. not. another full 5-day week of school. this sucks. but at least i got some good sleep this weekend. yes!


o i added these 2 new sections to my site! a movie and story section. go check them out and if you have any good movie clip and story recommendations, send them to me!

ok now I gotta go finished reading for Satire and catch up on ap stats assignments. bye!

Some pictures from Poker Night.

me being sneaky

me being sneaky II

I have a royal flush!


Left to right: tony, kevin, peter, jack, sam, jaime
posted by frank 5:26 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2003

"Congratulations. You have been elected to membership in the National Honor Society. You will be inducted into the Society at a candlelight ceremony."
at least I got some positives today lol. everything else was just blah. Halloween tomorrow! yay! I love trick or treating! Kelly also told me that Team Advancement's Halloween party's on this Sat. Everyone go! A lot of fun! Bikini contest and sexiest costume contest!! how can u resist?? lol. I'll have the sexiest costume..rofl jk. For more info: flyer 1 flyer 2

Mood: tirrrrred

posted by frank 4:33 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

39cent hamburgers!! 49cent cheeseburgers!! at McDs! mmmmmm....
We had an eating contest at McDonalds! not really, no one wanted to get sick eating lol...I ate like 5 there and i'm eating another one now. yummm... DANG THO! asian girls can eat a LOT! rofl. but many calories and fat! sick! but soo good....SICK! but soo tempting...mmmmm....Ok i'm going to eat one more. haha.

Mood: so full...

posted by frank 5:23 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

yay! pizza party in math team! mmmm lol imma nerd.
maaaan, i just realized that I'm afraid of a LOT of things. I'm afraid of clowns, changes, roller coasters, spiders, heights, start convo with pretty girls, the dark, being alone, my basement, etc. jeez! I also don't like to watch scary movies cuz I get nightmares haha. like after watching final destination I was afraid of going in my bathroom for a month! rofl. oye. good times good times..

Mood: relax..

posted by frank 6:42 PM

Monday, October 27, 2003

so many tests. blah. No AIM today! self control!

Random: giving away free hats for Rotary

Mood: test prep mode....

posted by frank 6:21 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Daylight savings! What are u going to do with your extra hour? I spent it sleeping! =D

Mood: hardcore studying

posted by frank 5:37 PM

damnit! Only 5 hours of sleep! GRRR!! I woke up for no reason. crap! I need more sleep! and then Sam showed up at the front door to go to Net24 for some Counter-Strike. Played for few hours and now I'm home updating this. Hopefully I can get some peaceful sleep tonight. Hopefully some Tylenol Extra Strength Sleeping Pills will help hehe.

Me at Net

Me (soooo tired) and Tony

CS! "GoGoGo" "Fire In the Hole!"

posted by frank 12:28 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2003

..that was fun...don't want to about it. Everyone’s gone now. haven't slept for so long. couldn't sleep. my eyes are getting black! everytime I close my eyes my brain won't stop thinking! I feel like a zombie...i need to go to sleep now, it's 3:00pm. Someone hurry and get me a bottle of BarcardiO. i need a drink so I can get some long quality sleep.

I want to fly through traffic. I want loose control and just let go.

posted by frank 3:04 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2003

got SAT scores back...^___^ a load off of my back...
posted by frank 10:34 PM

Tomorrow's Friday. Sweeeeeeeeetness.

Well. I think I need to grow my hair out longer lol. at least as long as Dan Lee's. what a stud. it's a good thing that u go to IMSA Dan, or there would be no girls available here. rofl.

Can't concentrate on hw. thinking about weekend. ay Chihuahua.

Mood: good

posted by frank 7:44 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Vote tally!
Cut: 5 votes
Grow: 4 votes
Shave it all!: 2 votes

ROFL. Thanks for voting! I'm still deciding tho haha. I guess we'll see this weekend!! in the meantime...keep voting if u haven't already!!

Late arrival was good. I love sleeping haha.

so anyways...this weekend I went to Walgreens and brought these Centrum Multivitamin Tablets (so expensive, $18???!!) but that stuff really keep u awake!! rofl. I take some right after school and I can like stay up till 5am haha!

Fooling around with webcam

Mood: eh...

posted by frank 4:24 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

WooHoo! Late Arrival tomorrow! what am I going to do with that extra hour?? SLEEP!!! =D

Ok, my hair is really getting long now! Should I get a hair cut or let it grow?? If I get a hair cut, I will loose my highlights tho!! noooo! Ok go voice your choice in my chatterbox!!

Cut or not to Cut?

Played a lil football today. Good exercise, my body feels a lot better! I need to exercise more :sigh: o well.

Mood: Tired

posted by frank 9:05 PM

Monday, October 20, 2003

damn, i really miss my little brother. lol yea i'm emotional. I feel so guilty cuz I always put off doing stuff with him when he's around and now he's gone, back to China. I should have taken time out of school and studying and just spent a little more time with him, like going to see Disney on Ice or to Navy Pier. And this brings me to another point: School's gay rofl. I say that because school keeps us so busy with homework and studying that sometimes we forget about the things in our life that are actually worthwhile and meaningful. :sigh:

eric, my brother

don't wanna talk about anything else....

mood: monday....

posted by frank 5:32 PM