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Welcome to the National Neopian Bank

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The National Neopian Bank

Good afternoon Sir. It's great to see you again. What can I do for you today?

Account Type : Ultimate Riches!
Current Balance : 150,000,091 NP
Diamond Deposit Plus Interest Rate : 13.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 1,908 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 2025001229 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

Deposit Neopoints

Amount in NP

Make a Withdrawal

If you withdraw Neopoints too many times a day, the bank staff may get angry and refuse to serve you!

Amount in NP

Collect Daily Interest

- You have already collected your interest today -

Upgrade Your Account

If you wish to upgrade your account to the next level, then you must meet the minimum balance required by the account. Please select the type of account, and meet the minimum additional deposit and then press 'Change Account'.

Your Current Balance 150,000,091 NP
New Account
Additional Deposit

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