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AUDIO Please wait for studio quality. :-)

Joey's mom deleted the one I wanted to put on here :-(

---Saturday, May 3rd, 2003---
Don't expect much for a while. Changing things. peace out...

---Friday, April 25, 2003---
Just writing to let people know I'm cancelling the show thing or whatever you wanna call it tomorrow, it's vacation and we decided on it a few days ago and I just couldn't get ahold of enough people... besides we decided on wednesday that we were changing parts of like 4 songs we were gonna play, cuz they were pissing us off and without being able to practice before playing them, it's not a good idea... later.

---Monday, April 21, 2003---
If you play it, they will come... Yeah we had a concert today we didn't plan on... We were playing in my backyard and all of a sudden... people started coming out of the woods... it was so awesome... and more kids kept coming, like 15 ten year olds... so we just played for them and didn't get anything done really... then my mom scared them away... it was fun while it lasted! Damon still hasn't bought a new mic cable... I'm gonna buy a workingman bass stack, for $999... cuz i realized i need it and its 250 watts so it will be sweet. Joey sucks at guitar. Fresh out.

---Sunday, April 20, 2003---
Happy Easter everyone... yeah just writing here to let everyone know we'll just be playin at my house on Saturday at 4:00, I know some of you are coming already but if you want to come too let me know, the price is money for the precious... peace. p.s. I'm such a shitty webdesigner. sorry.

---Saturday, April 19, 2003---
Damn It feels good to be a gangsta...
Wow. After 20 days we got to practice. I guess we're playing at some show for Joeys music store and at my house this vacation too, but just a few people get to come this time. It's gettin warm out though so once we finish our set expect us to be playing a lot. Not much to say... Sorry for the lack of updates though, I'm lazy and well it's been forever since we really practiced so I didn't have much to write. We went to that concert today... twitch 27 actually suprised me, they were pretty good... better than bf neckbrace I think...

---Sunday, March 30, 2003---
We actually recorded today and finished Tortoise and Eulogy, but it took Damon 2 hours to do the vocals since the computer shut off on us so many times... I think I'm gonna put some pictures up here now, But I have lots homework to not do so bye.

---Saturday, March 29, 2003---
Went to the fat kids (Joeys) house today and did some recording. Kinda... I did the bass for tortoise and we redid the drums and vocals, and I think Damon is recording the acoustic song tonight... I'll do my bass for it tomorrow. We got some funny ass pictures though... Including video of Damon being a dumbass and video of my battle with the one and only Johnny Penny. Johnny and his sister and Corey invited us to go play manhunt so we decided we were gonna go and as soon as they start counting, just run down the street back to Joeys house... so we did. Well anyways, the pictures should be up soon of today, and the video too, eventually. Peace out whoday.

---Teusday, March 25, 2003---
Still working on the site, so in the mean time while it's being built I'll give you an update on Damon's "Campaign"... Yeah I didn't want to do this but he made me... Whatever... Anyways, I can't do much with the site yet until I get audio and some pictures...When we record this weekend we'll take lots of pictures and they'll be beautiful. And I'll put them on here and the world will smile.

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