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Dancers Corner


Hey!!! Wats up!!!! Well I love dance, my teachers, and my friends!!! They're great! I just wanted to say I hope you have a great new career Julia!!! I hope you have a great life with your husband and new home!! Well tammy thanx fer the Pizza Party on Saturday, June 07, 2003!! YEA WE'RE ALL COMPANY E NOW!!!!!!! And movin to upstairs fer recital!!! Omg I luv it!! LOL!!! Well my friends are really great and there all cool (and all my friends liek from company a, b, c, d, and e!! lol!!) E-mail me only if you have somthin IMPORTANT (and I mean it, it has to be important or i'll just block ur e-mail!!) e-mail me at: or d-mail me (at degrassi) at handle: lovingdancing, homeroom: aqua-409. I also wanna shout out to my skool friends like Steph and Roz!! And I have one question fer any of you, do you know what happend to kiss 92 fm because there website is gone ( and the radio station is gone!!! Well I really really wanna know what happend plz tell me!!!! I have msn so just use my e-mail fer that!!! and I like some1 but not tellin hu lol (most of u alreaqdy know!!! :P) and I can't wait till recital it'll be so fun!!!! Well if ya know anything bout kiss 92 or have a question to ask meh e-mail it to me!!! Well you're welcome fer the stuff on Saturday, June 07, 2003 guys (at dance) it was no problem!!!! lol!!! Well I don't really have anything to say anymore lol!!! C yaz la8ter!! :P :) -Kels

Peps on my dance team