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AndLAURENsays: so an alligator and an elephant are walking through a forest, when all of a sudden, they hear a loud thunderous gun shot go off somewhere off in the distance. so the elephant turns to the alligator, and says. "say al, do you think that gun shot was shot at us?" and the alligator goes, "ele, are you crazy, we're eating tacos and beef jerky, of course that gun shot was shot to us, the hunters want our food." so the elephant and the alligator start running as fast as they can, they're panting and trying their hardest to avoid being shot and having their tacos and beef jerky taken, when all of a sudden, they run into a bear, and the bear and the alligator and the elephant join forces, find the hunter, eat him, and enjoy their tacos and beej jerky in peace. THE END