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smelliest thing!

My Favorite Web Sites

my best friends site
go here if you like to abuse the powers
Personally, my favorite website in the world
for E-lunatic if they are still wanting the thing.
right click this book

NEW ADDITION: the guerrilla's survival guide. it doesnt suck, i even liked it. But it was banned in the 70's, so enjoy!

much crap to have. H/o. OK. To get rid of the tremendously Horrible popups. Find a free one or listen to what i say.

Ok. Go to: and download it.

Done? Now listen carefully. Unhook your connection and (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NO CONNECTION TO THE INTERNET OR THIS WILL BE REPORTED) put this into the registration (that i know works for WINDOWS and im not sure about MACENTOSH) :

Email: Code :E2TfNfejYAMT




Just so you know. i give you a choise. If you follow that choise, you must remember this is only for fun and not for commercial work places. As all crackers remind you, BUY THE DAMN SOFTWARE IF YOU LIKE IT!!!

Sorry about that vulgar display, but seriously folks, you cant just prance around like an idiot , stealing things, you will eventually get caught. then fired/hurt/arrested/ect. For me? i have never done such of the sort. i dont abuse my rights of freedom. i choose it as a game, no one gets hurt, no one gets sued. All i ask for is the freedom to help this.

After all. Computers are like an imagination, multi-media is a thought. you cant steal a thought. you cant get arrested for it. but you can get accused . not sure why or how it goes from there.