Welcome to

"A Little Bit Of Country

And A Little Bit Of Lace"

Hi! I'm Country Lace and welcome to my home page.

I hope you find something here you like or that makes your day a little brighter. 

Be sure and check back from time to time for updates, new pictures and poems.

(If you have a midi player, the music you are hearing is "I'm Your Movin' On, sung by Rascal Flatts.)

Some Words of Wisdom
"Whatever I do today is important because I have given one day of my life for it."
"Life Picks on Everyone; Don't Take It Personally"
"Instead of pointing a finger, lend a hand"
"Patience--the ability to endure in the midst of difficult circumstances"
"Character is what you are when nobody but God is watching"
"No second chances, but lots of new chances"
It's good to remember that the tea kettle, although up to its neck in hot water, continues to sing"
"You don't have to feel good to do good"
"God can hug in you in places other people can't"
"The Word works, but You have to Work the Word"
"God is with Thee wherever you go. Joshua 1:9"

My Pages 
To view pages in order, just click on

About Me & Mine

Photo Album 1

Photo Album 2

Photo  Album 3


My Poetry and Writings



"Go Ahead...Hit Me.. "

"The Front Porch Swing"

"Shadows Of Me"

"Memories Of My Youth"

"The Hands Of Time"

"Please Tell Me You're Not Leavin' Anymore"

"They Call Me 'Mama'"

"Between Your House and Mine"

"Bridges to Nowhere"

"Butterflies & Tingles"

"Angel in the Fire"

"Black Widow"

"Heavenly Whispers"


"Amazing Romance"

"The Masterpiece"



Written by a friend, who is a Vietnam Veteran
"A Soldier's Question"


My daughter, Crissy's, Homepage


Footprints on My Heart  

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our heart and we are never, ever the same.---Source Unknown

Contractorman for ALL his help on these pages
PoFolks for my really cool logo at top of page!

Please Sign!!!!xoxoxo

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ICQ me--15537401


Many of my pages now have backgrounds that I have designed myself. Some of these have originated from pictures that are "supposedly" public domain on the "net." If this is not the case for any of the pictures I have used, please notify me by email, and I will promptly remove the background or rectify the matter with the proper credit.
Thank You.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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