The Conjouro Bug - Mike's Toothbrush
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Toothbrush Faerie Land!
cruddies yay!
yummy seeds
do you like links?
just more crap
historic buildings
why thankyou :o)

IMPORTANT! (I think...)
Help is needed desperately! The WLOBA (Whole Load Of Bullshit Association) is in need of help! The Lively Soft Tissue is planning to expand in approximately 3 weeks from now! When expanded to its full potential, it will wrap around the whole entire world in such a way, that we will be left suffocating, unable to breathe. If you do not want to die a slow and painful death, then HELP SAVE THE WORLD, and offer us your kind and generous help. If you are able to help us, then pleese contact me at Don't be a stewpido didot herad arseholieo, and help. Thank you for your time.
Jimmy says "Teacher teacher! Quick! I need a naked nurse!" He's having trouble getting out his stiff poo...again. Oh dear. "That damn constipation. Why does it like me so much?" cried Jimmy.
"I don't know Jimmy. Your rectum is a good place for me. Nice and cushiony." Constipation said, in a taunting voice.
"Well I don't like you, so I'm going to force you out. Hahahahaha! You can never stay in me!"
"NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!" shouts Constipation as it falls to its doom...
IKEA - a truely great place. The stuff they sell is fantastic! I got my own coolo stripey rug from there ;o). Buy stuff from IKEA! Advertising is fun, I should do more of it. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone advertised? If every single person, even the ickle babies advertised. A world full of avertisement...hummm. Weird.
'Stop the bus. I need a weee wee. Stop the bus. I need a weee wee.'
Incase your wondering where this quote is from, it's the Tizer advert, sooo funny! Then again...I have a 'crapo' sense of humour ;o).

Quaverrrrssss: "hee eee, ee, ee, e, ahhh, itfu, ee, hee, eeh, e."
People: "Ahahahahahahahahaha! What are you doing?! Ahahahahahaha you dumbo!"
Quavers: "HEY! HOW DARE that."
People: "k..."

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