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My Grampy

Hello my name is Chelsea, and I decided to make my web page on my grampy because I was really close to him. My web page will tell you a little bit about my grampy. My Grampy died with Kidney Disease last spring, and I wanted to know more about it so I looked up information on it. Me and My grampy had a really good relationship, and we would always sit and tell jokes when I would go up to his house. When he was sick, I would go up to his house and just stay with him and my Gram for the day. When he was in the hospital it was hard, because my grammy was so sad and she wasn`t eating good and she was loosing alot of weight, but she stayed right beside my grampy. My grampy was in the hospital for about 7 Weeks, and all he wanted to do was be home, so our family had people come into his house and help out my grammy. It was REALLY hard to watch my grampy when he was getting sicker and sicker. My gram was Really sad but she had comfort from her 6 kids, and her 18 Grandchildren. Each night someone from our family would go up to my grams house and spend the night up there to help out my grammy. I think that helped alot. I always liked going up to my grams for the night, and I still do.

My grampy was a really loving kind of guy. He would always be outside working in the barn or on his tractors or just something that he would want to fix. When we were little we would go to my grams house and we would be outside, we would come into the house for a little snack and my grampy would be taking his nap, and we would be to loud and wake him up sometimes, but he would never get mad at us, he would just say "dig dig", and thats when we would know to go back outside. He was really close to his Kids and his family. His favorite place to go was to our camp in Prince Edward Island, thats where he grew up. When we would go to P.E.I we would take my gram and grampy. He liked to go for drives with my gram. He loved horses, and he ALWAYS had a horse or two. When he was in his 30es, he was living in Saint John, and he had a little horse in his back yard. So then he moved to the country and he meet my gram and they got married and they had 6 kids. He would always take his kids to P.E.I for a weekend in the summer to go visit their grandparents. My grampy was always outside working in the barn or in his garage working on something new that he found and wanted to fix up.

He would always say things to make me and my cousins laugh. One of the things that he would always say when I was little was, "the birds and the bees", and I would always wonder what he meant by that, but he would never tell me because I was to little, so he said that when I was older, he would tell me. He had this little poem that me would say to, and it was called "when I was a little boy", and it goes like this:

When I was a little boy, just so high, mommy would beat me and make me cry, but now I am a big boy, mommy cant do it, so daddy takes the broom stick and hops right to it.

That poem would always make us laugh. But was all had a favorite one and we would always write it on his birthday cards or cards that we would make him and it was "how do u spell fat with a "R" in it?" and he would get the biggest laugh when the little kids would look at him and try to figure out what he meant.

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