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!¤ LìÑd§ä¥'§ ç®Äzìé Pägé ¤!

hi my name is Lindsay and I guess I will tell ya'll about myself.Umm..I'm a junior at MVTHS.I have 1 brother, Ryan.I'm a *ChRiStIaN*I am a MVTHS *ChEeRlEaDeR*(football & basketball)Umm.. I have a ton of friends and in just a minute I'll tell ya about some of them.I'm just REALLY ~crazy~ and hang out and have fun with friends~!I'm always in a good mood~!I have brown* hair & eyes, I'm 5'7" and 16, i love like almost all sports!I like getting on the internet and stuff.
Well here are some of my friends!

Christina:Thanks for always being there when I needed you.You are 1 of my best friends!!L.Y.L.A.S.

Sara: You have always been there for me and I won't ever be able to thank you enough! We're drifting apart but I'm still here for ya.

Cody K: HEY !! You are such a sweetie and 1 of my * best* friends!I wuv'z you to death!(hehe)stay awesome L.Y.L.A.B

Matt D.:Hey!Where to start with you? 8Th grade at Ina. OH MY! We have been through just about everything, good and bad,I'm always here for you!Your one of my best friends!~bye

Jenni S.:your awesome,we've had alot of fun this year cheerin and i hope next year is as much fun!We'll just keep bein' crazy lol!

Kristi L.:Hey girl!we've had some CrAzY times hehe. this year cheerin has been fun and i hope next year is just as good!(maybe better hehe) Your awesome ttyl girl

Jacob B.:Hey boy~!You're such a sweetie!Your leg got better like i promised you it would hehe stay outta trouble lol see ya

Randa H.:Hey your soo funny when your hyper LOL stay cool!!Remember we gotta go on vacation sometime LOL!! Ttyl!!AND OMG, APPLES!! haha

C.J.: Your pretty cool~! A good friend.. and I think your a nice guy and all.. but i ain't stayin up til 4 in the mornin to listen to your problems anymore haha..ttyl C~ya

~Bryan Matthew~: Hey babe! You are one of the sweetest guys i've ever met!We've been through alot!You have a place in my heart FoReVeR* And our kitten Sam was the best cat ever! I'll always be your * brown eyed girl* hehe, I love you!

Kelly V.: Girl I haven't known ya long, but your awesome! That game was CrAzY hehe We'll most definately hang out more! see ya girl oh yea member, J.Paul..SHOOT FOR 3!! lol And Member we gotta tp.. "you know who" haha!! remember our dance! haha bye*

Caleb D.: Hey you! Your such a dork hehe, you are a really good friend though!Thanks!OH,& You boys at P.E Yea you know what i'm talkin about!! lol Your pretty cool stay a sweetheart!haha, see ya*!

Kiley,& Amanda: omg P.E is about hilarious with you guys!! Remember the thing about talk to SOMEONE ELSE haha!AND, APPLES! haha! I love you girls!! stay awesome!

Adam W.:Hey your ..different!LOL I'm so gonna beat you up one day!! Better watch it*hehe see ya!

Sarah H.:Girl I love ya to death! your a great friend & oh yea we PaRtAy on the weekends lol And it's always a constant battle to TP YOU!! lol OH and I SOO beat you up!!! See ya girl!

Lauren S.:You are such a sweet girl! You are my little sister& your just to nice!Have fun in highschool,i'll be there for ya! bubye~!

Clay G.: This right here is my best guy friend!!! you are the biggest nerd but i love you to death! lol Stay outta trouble & your gonna get me in trouble if you keep waving at me in Geometry! LOL NERD i love ya see ya~

Dana C.:Hey chick! your about crazy lol!! Have fun next year, and don't let Matt get outta line! haha!C~ya.

Big hey to all the cheerleaders! Ya'll are CrAzY!hehe Hey to all my friends I didn't mention.. if I left ya out.. TO BAD lol no j/k..I'm sure I'll hear about it! lol

If there is anyone I left out, I'm sorry just let me know and I'll add ya.