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Lovin Patrick

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lovin patrick

CMS Cheerleader!

Patrick Carroll look i luv ya more that anythignand i just dont want to loose u and i knwo that i have before but it just didn't feel right when i did i felt really weird and ppl used to ask me if i liked u and i always sed no but now i realized i should have sed yes and maybe we would have went out earlier but o well i am glad that we r now together but i am always want us to be like this unless something really bad happens and we have to break up but i just wished that things could just be good between us always and stay like that always but i know that everything aint perfect and i know it want but but i luv ya and i always will * Big Kiss*

Embily Burns i luv ya so much gurl i dont know what i would do with out u and i just dont know what i would do with out u this year for some reason this year is really been the hardest year of my life i guess it is cusae i have lost alot of my friends to the prep school and the nig school but i stil have u and patrick and maggie and kaitlin and jessica adn i just want to keep it that way and u know if u ever r in the hospital i will be there just for u !! lol remember bout hat tlk???!!!! Maggie Yeatts Luv ya gurl and i am so glad that we got to do somethign but we need to get together more ofton! don u thin kso but gurl luvya to death and me and u need to ride with chip more ofton dotn u think so and he might jut give us some more beer!!!Sterling socked in back and broke his noise lol luv ya gurl! Britt Britt lylas and we have had some good talks bout patrick and chip but like it is all kinda comin true cause like.... wel u knwo i dot really know i forgot what i was gointo say to u csuae this stupid movie i am watchin. lol but like just stay with chip and everthing wil be ok. if u need me just call me!!!lylas!!! Chip Monk ummmm. not much to seyy but next time lets just take that bed out of the bsement ok !!! ol lyb save me some of that beer ok lol but u have to teach me how to ditch taht cans lol ok lol lub!!! Kaitlin Buckner LOVE YA GURL thz for the present and everyhting the u have done for me and we wil get together this week or somethign dont worry bout it!!!WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING LOL!!! LUV YA GRUL Daneil Sparks You r so stupid i dont even knw ath to sey bout u lol sorry bot it is true!!!! lyb
