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Hi people!! Welcome to my HUMBLE home page!! feel free to look around! (yes I was bored)

Is it a sexual innuendo?  or just a damn cool brand? I vote for the latter.

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Below is where I start talking about useless things I have done. 

2:17 am added shout outs 3/10/03 (not finished yet though)


Today I managed to wake up at 12:30, a complete waste for time. I was greeted bright and early by a phone call from my mum at 12 .. urgh.....reminding me to study, how pleasant. So I got up and made myself food and ate continuously for about 2 hours. Sorry Nicky YES I was eating in front of the computer again. Well Nicky has exams tomorrow so good luck!!!!! I'll be there "spiritually". Instead of wasting my time I will do what my mum just suggested a few seconds ago (she was invading my room), and that is STUDY (how surprising coming from my mum). Yes. I learnt a new word studying English today.. INNUENDO and that is why I am using it on the top :D i'm proud of my newfound knowledge. Well I know I leant something new today. Wasn't a complete waste of a day. Peace ^^


OKAY I"M FREAKED OUT!!!! 20 DAYS till HSC..and why am I sitting on my ass wasting time?? I have no idea some one tell me coz I'm completely lost...!! 

I ate slept and studied,..(tired to) procrastinated on the phone with Cecile YAY managed to waste my time and also cleaned my room (so productive)


UAC apllications close today.... 3 weeks till who's scared...! 

another lazy day today... stayed home and slept woke up had 2 pieces of chicken...den Nicky came over and we "WORKED" ..wellll apart from a few distractions such as me falling on my ASSs ....must get rid of the unconess..... neways i'm bored..bye.