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Name: Britney
Nicknames: Brit, BB, Hey U, Loser
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Grade: 9
Skool: SFJH
Status: Single & Eye On Someone
Location: Cow Town
Likes: Hangin W/Friends,Talkin on Phone, Shoppin' Boyz
Dislikes: Bitches, SPIDERS, Skool
-->Don't Click Here<--
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'1 <--Maybe
B-Day: May 13

Fav. Food: Watermelon
Fav. Animal: DUCKIES
Fav. Season: Winter/Summer
Fav. Colour: ORANGE
Fav. Sport: Baseball
Habits: Gettin Up @ noon, Watchin Passions
BAD Habits:Bitin Nails, Always Typin HEHe/HAHA, Chewin Pens
.:.Stephy .:.Care .:.Carmz .:.Alex .:.Jenn .:.caitlin .:.Tee .:.Allie .:.Janna .:.Linda .:.Laura .:.Tanah .:.Court .:.Maren .:.Krysten .:.Kat .:.Jenna .:.Kendra .:.Alyssa .:.Aime .:.Jessie .:.Amanda .:.Chloe .:.Adam .:.Griffin .:.Mike C .:.Mike Q .:.Elliott .:.Tim .:.Dill .:.Bob.:.
U need to learn how to TALK on msn! LOL :P Ugh, it's sux
not seein u everyday! That's da only reason i wanna go back
to skool, is so i can see all ma clost friends almost every
day of da week! - and back to skool shoppin!
Me <3 Shoppin!!:D - hehe, i'm suck a freak! or, to you,
a loza!! hehehe, u'r such a ditZ! But i luv ya!chow
Aww, U'r alwayz there for moi! Hehehe, u'r da best! I could
trust ya w/n e thing! But hey, wut r best friends for? Hey,
my mom said I can do swimmin lessons, sept i need to get new
bathin suit bottoms, i'll call ya when we can go get them, k?
Call me when u get ur badge this year too! Heheh, i haven't
been to swimmin lessons since grade 7! I'll probably fail
level 7! Lol, u'll pass, n i'll fail, isn't that sad! Well,
it'll be great for u! heheh, but sad for me! HAHAHAHAHA i
was literally laughing out loud today when you hit that Fire
Hydrent! I stll don't know how you did that! Hahahaha, i
wonder if u left a dint in u'r bike from that? Lol, Luv
Ya Alwayz, XoX*Muah*XoX Carmen(Munchkin)
U'r da sweetest lil person eva! An I mean lil! lol j/k j/k!
Hehehe, we need to do somethin this summa! Just not @ u'r
house cause u'r sis scares me! Call mee, chow
Hi! Lol, i just met ya this year, so dont' know too much
bout ya, but hey, that's probably bc we dont' hang out,
cause were not friends friends, were just friends (as in we
don't hate each other, we just talk now n then) Have A
G-R-R-R-REAT summa!
Aww, u'r da sweetest person in da world! You may not be
bestest friends with someone, but you'll treat em like a
best friend! Hehehe, Hope you have a great summa and good
luck with socca
U'r da funniest person that i know! U can make a joke out of
almost ne thing! That's wut i luv bout ya! U have such a
enthusiastic n bubbly personality! Have a great summa!
I wunda wut colour u'r hair's gunna b in grade 9! Lol, u
changed it like 3 times this year! TTy next year! Have a
great summa
Man, i've seen you so many times this summa! it's almost
more tha i see you @ baseball! hehehe, just kiddin:P
Melody(Cookie Monsta)
Adam(Dandilion)<---Lol Stephy
There's really not much to say to ya, bc u'll probably neva
see this site, but , ya. U know i still like ya, but u
don't even know that i exist so, ya, have a good summa!
Hope u have a great summa