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Krazy Komics


Harry Potter~


This story is actually based on a Fantasy RPG I made up when I was 10 and I tweaked it just a bit to make it FDD.
The thing to note around the site is my constant usage of the Pilgrim. This is because the FDD story revolves around his journey even though he will not appear at anytime in any of the books.

I recommend that you read the Forward first as it will give you a heads up on when this story takes place and what has happened to the world. It's down below in the Library.

The First Book is really not important. It's mainly there to introduce the characters and show you how they come to know each other. It's really rather boring and you can basically skip it as each character bio will have a short recap of every ones roles in each book and reading those should give you a good idea of what's going on. Sadly though, I only have a few bios done so may just have to read it, but it's short (Or should stay short... I don't exactly have it done). Once again you can find Book1 in the Library below.
Book II and III are not up yet(Which is too bad as they're the stories that, I feel, are really interesting)

Also, I'll be writing guides periodically to help you guys understand things that appear throughout the books. Those can be found to the left.

As for Artwork, it can be found in Character Bio pages.


The Pawns

The Monk~ The Black Princess~ The Seductress~
The General~ The Flame~ The Fallen~
The Farmer~ The Maiden & The Kid~ The Dragon~
The Mythical Creature~ The White Princess~ The White Knight~
The Immortal~ The Beast~ The Black King~
The Necromancer~

I do not own the animated t.v. show Digimon. The Digimon on this site are unofficial and belong to me unless otherwise stated. Digimon is © to Bandai, Toei Animation and Fox Kids(I think that's it). All graphics (Images), Stories and ideas on this site are © Copyrighted to Kathleen P. Casetta 2004-2005 as are all characters unless otherwise stated and should not be used or reproduced without permission of Kathleen P. Casetta.

Updates: Nothing new under the sun. Still working on Character bios.


SagariCross Fan!


Deviant Art