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  • HoMe
  • The Bopping Planet

    For the humans,
    Last updated: July 13, 2003
    *If anyone has a deadjournal please email me the code to join. thank you

    Okay, I gues the site is going a little slower now but it's not my fault. Blame my parents for kicking me off the computer everytime I try to update. Umm. What else? Recipe, Scripts, and Comic sections are still being placed. And thanks to the insperattion of my daer friend Sonny, I will be beginning my own stick figure comic. It will be called "Boppers World" Inspired by Sonny's comic "My life as a stick figure." Umm...poetry...yea...It's gonna be a while before there will be any new ones up, by I assure you that there will be new ones up ASAP. Umm yea. Guess thats all. ***************************************************** ~yawn~ I am so sleepy I can barely see my own computer screen. I woke up this morning, and began cleaning... which is upsetting being I had already cleaned the bathroom this week and then out of no where it was *poof* messy again. Horrid humans, so messy. So yea...I scrubbed down the floor with that "ZAP!" stuff. And well it ruined my pepsi blue shirt... the chemicals ate through and made huge holes the size of pancakes...lumberjack kind. I liked that shirt, But now I can't even wear it to bed. I mean it has always been like 5 sizes too large but c'mon, I still liked it as pajamas. ~crosses arm~ *hmph* It's just not right, I'm never using those chemicals again...though it is very affective on tiles...Oh damn, it's true that "ZAP!" stuff works quite well actually. But only use it when wearing clothes that you don't really care about. Otherwise prepare to be upset. ~yawn~ Okay I'm done, until next time humans. ::wave:: bye!