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Do you love to read? Do you like books as much as TV? If so, this is the site for you!

On this site, we list books that have been recommended us by visitors to the site.

If you have any books that you have enjoyed e-mail us at So start mailing and happy reading! This site has only recently been established, so we apologise for the lack of books. Keep checking back, and, hopefully, we'll have more soon. Please do not send mail that is not book related as this makes it difficult to consider all mailings. Thankyou!



Here are some of the fantasy books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been recommended to us.

His Dark Materials Trilogy (Northern Lights, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass) by Philip Pullman.

This book merges fantasy with the real world, and is a great read for anyone into ways between worlds, witches and magic, and a new perspective towards an age-old story.

The Black Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey

The first book of three. This book follows Skandranon, the cocky black gryphon, during the time of two warring mages. You follow the war from the perspective of both the fighters, and those who are stuck on the ground waiting for them to come home. Reccomended to any fantasy lover, or someone who just wants a great read

Science Fiction

Here are some of the science fiction books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been recommended to us.

The Wintering Trilogy (Ice, Storm, Thaw) by Stephen Bowkett.

This book describes a future world where the land is encased in the Ice. The Wintering is about a Goddess, the All Mother, and her smothering protectiveness that has gradually merged into a betrayal of those that she loves.


Here are some of the emotion books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been recommended to us.

Girl in Red by ?[We'll look into it :)].

Girl in Red is about love, hate and the betrayal of those we love. It also shows the conflict between two societies that are essentially different and is a must read for those who enjoy these elements in a story.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon.

This book is based on the feeelings and experiences of Christopher, who has autism. When he sets out to investigate the death of his neighbour's dog, he discovers a lot more than he had bargained for.


Here are some of the adventure/fantasy books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been recommended to us.

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.

The story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, who is whisked away from his comfortable home in Bag End, the Shire, to take part in a daring quest to raid the treasure hoard of the dragon Smaug, along with a selection of dwarfs. Bilbo finds himself living up to the new-found name of 'burglar' in the end, much to his surprise.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by JRR Tolkien.

This story is based around an epic quest to destroy a powerful ring and thus remove the world of evil. If you've seen the films you'll know what we mean, but, as in the majority of cases, the book has far more detail and a more complex storyline. Try the books!


This story is about Sam Linnfer, the sole Child of Magic who is banished from heaven by the other gods and sent to live on Earth. He is cursed by Time, his father, to fight and die in his father's cause. He lives quietly on Earth until Freya dies and Seth, his brother, takes over his kingdom in hell. The book is the first (there is a sequel) part of Sam's to defy his father and turn around his destiny. Except, of course, Time is extremely powerful, seeing both past and possible futures and nothing short of a miracle will save his life.


Here are some of the adventure/fantasy books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been recommended to us.

Famous Five series by Enid Blyton

This series is especially good for younger readers, from the age of about seven upwards. The books are about a group of four children and a dog, all having lots of fun and adventures.

Secret Seven series by Enid Blyton

Much the same as Famous Five, but with seven children and a dog. The books are also smaller, making reading easier and more fun for those who get bored halfway through a book.


Here are some of the animal books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been reccomended to us.

I, Houdini by ? [We'll look into it :)]


Here are some of the classic books and their authors that we enjoyed, and also some that have been reccomended to us.

Illustrated Chosen Classics Retold

Not strictly a book, this is a series of condensed classics for those that can't normally wait for the exciting bits in a book.

Recommending Books

Before e-mailing any recommendations to us, please check that the book has not already been recomended.

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In the 'Subject' box, type bookworm site recommendation

In the main body of your E-mail, type the title of your recommended book, the category that you would put the book in and the author's name.

Underneath that, type a brief description/summary of the book (write as little as you like - it doesn't have to be more than two lines) You could include:


And one last thing: please do not send us any reviews for the Harry Potter books, as these are so common and well known that it is hardly worth it.