Inter MRSM Games in Kuala Terengganu!

This is an annual game that is held to provide competitions in sports among various MRSMs in Malaysia. It's called Ko-Q game. In 1997, the game was held in the lovely state of Terengganu, in MRSM KT, Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu and i think it was about 13 MRSMs competed in it last time. I was appointed as the Chef-De-Mission for MRSM Taiping. It's not that easy. I have to make sure that every sports that are being contested would be represented by the best players in the school. And it comes with a limit, the number of contigents should not exceed around 40 athletes (could not recall the exact number), due to transportation limitation. This means that some of the athletes got to play more than one game, which could be really exhausting. And this also means that i got to make tough decisions in turning down a lot of people who really wanted to go to play the various games contested.

Cikgu Khairul really trusted me with this responsibility, and i really appreciate it. So, Sports Bureau and the athletes got to work really hard to ensure we achieved good results. From previous experience, our school usually ended up in the last few spots from overall games. Meaning that if there were 13 schools, we would get either the 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th place. And my job was to ensure that would not happen. Anything in the Top 10 was good enough.

Anyway, when came the actual event, we were surprised on how much we were hated by other MRSM students. Everybody were just booing us all the time, in each game. Well except our friends from MRSM PDRM Kulim, who knew us before hand since we had several friendly games with them. That's where we became close. As a result, they were also hated and booed. I'm not so sure whether they were hated because of supporting us or the fact that their parents were cops (since the school was specially for police's kids). Anyway, i would like to believe that it was the former. And Kamarul was their captain. I got nothing but respect towards him and his schoolmates. Another supporters that we had were my friends in Muar, who were happened to represent other MRSMs. Thanks Taib and Wan!

Long story short, our school ended up in the sixth place overall! An achievement beyond believe to all of us. Actually, we got the third place, counting out the newly introduced event, Athletics (tracks & fields), in which we only managed to garner one silver through Normy, out of about many categories contested. This is really sucks. Anyway, we were the champion in men's volleyball and chess, and second in badminton. I forgot about the other games that we won. Maybe somebody can refresh my memory!

If i'm not mistaken, our victories in KT were not captured in our school magazine, Bitara. Although i think our Bitara editors did extremely good jobs for us, their failure to capture this event did no justice to the athletes. Sadly, I only have mostly the pictures of men's volleyball game, but not the rest of the sports. If any of you readers have it, you are more than welcome to share it here. Hopefully this page will serve as another Taiping's memory to all of us, batch 96/97. The following are some of the pictures from the game:

Pictures Page 1
Pictures Page 2