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Places to go

My friends site

Good stuff to do:

Updates - 07.23.03
Hey yall, i forgot the pass 2 my other page so i can't work with it anymore, unless i'm at my dad's house which i wont be for another week. Anyhow, this is kinda temporary, until i can get back to my other page, Things been pretty good, i got some nice clothes and Smiley seems much better than she was. Yay!! Stop bye soon, more'll be added!!

My best friend Mila is really nice. She has a lot of pets and has her own webpage, I have known her since Kindergarten and thats a long time for me. Mila lives in AZ like me, and she is almost 11, just like me.
My other friend is Chris. He is 12 and will be in 6th grade next yr. He's pretty nice, but is not into the interent or anything about the comp. at all. He has no email, or site for that matter. But he is all and all nice, and i like him quite a bit. He also lives in AZ w/ me, but i known him since Preschool instead of kindergarten.
Smiley may only be a snake but she's my little friend. I love her dearly. She's a stripped desert phase kingsnake with a white stomach, a black back with a white stripe down the middle and two spots and a line on her forehead that make up a smiley face. She's about 2 feet long and very mature, she gets a little edgy and kinda skitish when she's gonna shed. She is fun to hold and I am very happy with her. She is my snake, thats right, i own a snake. She is about 2 yrs old and I've had her for 1 of those years. I love her very much so DON'T you dare diss her.
Jakey is my much loved dog. He is a mix, but he's got some pitbull in him, we know that for sure. He's 12 yrs old, thats older than me!! He loves to sleep, eat and play with the ball. I love him soooooooo much and dont ever want the day when he dies to come. He is such a sweet dog, he is not mean, he kisses everybody he sees. We say, "If you need a kiss, go see Jakey!!"

E-mail me!!

About Me!!
My name is Stella and I'm almost 11 yrs old. I live in AZ w/ my best friend Mila and my dog and my snake. I love animals very muchly, especially reptiles. I go to Miles school and am very bored when i do go to shcool *shakes head* anyhow, feel free to browse around!!