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Neopia's Best Champs


                New daily give away!         

       Every day one lucky guild member will be randomly

       selected to recieved a free Race to Riches Scratchcard.

       Good luck to all!

                   Mystery Pic

      Clues given so far........

      Maybe you should be looking in the games section.

      Neomail dladybug179 with guesses to win 3,000 nps.


                               Newbie Packs

     Requirements: Must be member for at least one week.  Post at least one

     message on the message boards.  Must have guild banner in shop.  (see

     bottom of guild home page for copy and paste code).

     Bid a 1np item Here .

     Please be patient and allow a few days to recieve your

     newbie pack after bidding.

























Neopia's Best Champs