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1. Click this link
2. Enter your e-mail address and a password [hit next]
3. Enter in your shipping address into the large text box [hit next]
4. Send an e-mail to 1 legitimate address [hit next]
5. Click "Complete Offers"
6. Click on the eBay offer
7. Click the "Register" link on the top of the eBay website.
8a. Sign up with all the real information that you signed up with for ipods-free, EXCEPT for your e-mail.
8b. For your e-mail, use (make something up). Do not worry about registering this e-mail account (we will handle it later)
9. After completing the registration, head on to
10. Sign in your account with the same name you used for ebay (You do NOT need to register)
11. Click the confirmation e-mail
12. Fill in the correct e-mail and the 4 number confirmation code found in the e-mail
13. Now that you've registered on eBay, all you need to do is place a bid
13b. Search for something really expensive, that has JUST started. And is priced at like $0.01 (something you know you will never win).
13c. All you need to do is place a bid, it doesn't matter if you lose.
14. After placing the bid, go back to your account at, and click the "I have Completed this offer" button underneath eBay
15. Refer 5 friends to do this same thing!