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The piece that is currently playing was composed by Leroy Squab


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Narrow deserts
where giant cactus fall
into different lives
to rise and share dreams
with the clear blue skies
with the lives of the life
into a different life to live
as artistic and poetic as the first
to turn deserts into plateaus
and roots into gardens
of dreams

Towering dreams
to dream upon the highest of clouds
casting shadows among the sunlit sky
to Earth
does the sky cry when it rains
is the sky hungry when it thunders
it's hard to say
it's hard to know
the ways of the clouds
the skies
or on any day
but it is easy
on any day
to lay
and dream
towards the skies
and clouds

From a rock
comes soil - Earth
and then from a seed
comes a tree
each - five hundred feet tall
each - thousands of years old
but alive
breathing tall with the winds
and standing tall
how old is age
insignificant as that is
compared to grace
how old will you be when I am gone

To sip pearls
among the jade of quilted moon
there she sings in white aura
and silent
with a hush
as the air whispers upon deep open space breath
to dive into the dreams of never touched
here in man wilderness
rustic in its serenity
composed in thought of notes hold
a note without tone
into the vastness of forever
whole and complete
and hum

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