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*~*A Tear Of Anger*~*

*~*Band Members*~*

Ok, so it's a normal evening the in the summer holidays, well, I say normal but for a change Charli was at home with her parents... so not so much normal... we'll call it average... not that I'm much fond of either of those words... but you get the picture. Anyway, so Charli and her parents are watching Scuzz (don’t ask; she has cool parents…) and that god-awful girl band come on, you know; the Suffragettes and Charli's Dad makes a passing comment about how it's "a shame girls can't rock." big mistake. Perhaps not so much in the long run but the minute he'd opened his mouth, Charli's dad, Nigel (who is now the group's manager), clearly wished he'd never bothered. Women can't rock?! We'll show him... Within the week Charli had rounded up her two best female friends; Alice's boyfriend had just begun teaching her the basics of the bass and she was getting her own for her birthday which was in a months time, while Sez was just starting out on the guitar that her Dad had given her as a joint birthday and Christmas present (even though Sez's birthday is in December and at the time it was August...). A quick trip to RFH later for Charli's new guitar and A Tear Of Anger were formed... one slight problem; the absence of a drummer (do you have any idea how hard it is to find a female drummer?!) The hardest task of all, would you believe, arose when it came to naming the girls' instruments. Alice Christened Charli's guitar Tim and Charli, Sez's John before it was decided that there was just no room for any males in this band (despite Sez and Charli's protests that they themselves were actually partially male). Alice named her bass Courtney and, reluctantly, Sez and Charli changed John and Tim to Johnetta and Timina... et Voila! The six girls were ready to rock! Unfortunately, this only happened about a month ago so, as you can probably imagine, none of us are actually very good yet, but we're getting better all the time, slowly but surely... and hopefully within a year or two we'll be up to performance standard coz god knows we're ready to kick some guy (and not to mention girl...) butt!

NAME: Sarah, a.k.a Sez/\ D.O.B.: 19th December 1986/\ INSTRUMENT: Guitar/\ SEX: Female, with slight male qualities/\ HAVE YOU EVER BEEN RAPED BY A GOAT:*Pauses* I wouldn’t say raped...naa I’m kidding lol sorry I know that’s sad/\ PERSON YOU’D MOST LIKE TO BE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND WITH: Anthony Keidis/\ FAVOURITE POSSESSION: My guitar/\ BIGGEST MUSICAL INFLUENCE: Red Hot Chili Peppers/\ IS OUR WEBSITE BETTER THAN THE FURY'S: Of course!

NAME: Alice/\ D.O.B.: 15th September 1987/\ INSTRUMENT: Bass/\ SEX: What, me?!/\ HAVE YOU EVER BEEN RAPED BY A GOAT: Does Cheyne count as a goat?/\ PERSON YOU’D MOST LIKE TO BE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND WITH: Um, I’ll have to say Paul otherwise he might get offended/\ FAVOURITE POSSESSION: Gregory my teddy/\ BIGGEST MUSICAL INFLUENCE: Alanis Morissette or Good Charlotte/\ IS OUR WEBSITE BETTER THAN THE FURY'S: We’re in trouble if it’s not!

Name: Charli/\ D.O.B.: 3rd April 1987/\ Instrument: Guitar/\ Sex: I’m highly androgynous :D but that’s only by gender, biologically, I’m Female/\ HAVE YOU EVER BEEN RAPED BY A GOAT: Not to my conscious knowledge…/\ PERSON YOU’D MOST LIKE TO BE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND WITH: Brandon Boyd/\ FAVOURITE POSSESSION: Probably my giant underwear… Or Timina/\ BIGGEST MUSICAL INFLUENCE: incubus and Hole… Oh, and Sez and Alice, of course… ;)/\ IS OUR WEBSITE BETTER THAN THE FURY'S: Damn right it is!

Ok, newsflash, ATOA have a new member, so it seems, she's called Sophie, look for more updates regarding her, coming soon...