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My page of irrelevance

Some pretty cool sites

The official Red Hot Chili Peppers site
Merfiss-Obviously the best band in the world
Rather good-Rather corking!
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!
Then I found Bomis..........which was nice.
Brain of Brian-Good old Brian
Always raising the bar for what is considered a good sandwich
The Red Hot Chili Peppers history (by me)

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

Hello. I'm sure if i was bilingual i would say "hello" in many different languages, but i'm not, so i'm not going to. Welcome to my page of randomness, irrelevance, pointlessness,probably boringness (even though that's not a word), it's just generally a strange site with many annoying pop-up things and a way for me to spend my time whilst i'm not either eating or sleeping. I am aware of the lack of substance, i'm sure i'll make it interesting one day. Take a look around and don't forget to sign the guestbook and tell me of the crapness of this site and the need to make it more interesting. I'm open to any ideas.
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