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Introduction:  What happened from the terrorist attack to the Church in Pakistan is utterly ridiculous and not Islamic.  Muslims can not mix all Christians with what the US and Israel are doing from evil.  Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran:

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors.  (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

The people in the Church were peaceful and minding their own business.  They didn't harm anyone.  Same thing with the American Journalist Dan Pearl, for he was only a Messenger who reports the Truth about what goes on in the world, and he was voluntarily and peacefully residing in a Muslim territory, which wasn't right to kidnap him.

I must remind the Muslims that when the Emperor of Persia killed our Prophet's Messenger sent to him, our Prophet considered it an act of cowardliness and evil.  Dan Pearl was like that Messenger.  He had no enmity toward anyone.  He was only a Messenger.

May Allah Almighty rest the souls of all innocent people.


Islam and terrorism:

The sub sections here are:

1-   The attack on the US, and terrorism in Islam.
2-   Jihad and the laws of war, war times, and the treatment of enemy
       Civilians and Captives.
3-   Apostates (renegades) and Human equality.
4-   Revenge in Islam?
5-   The laws of punishment for murder.
6-   The Islamic Government and the declaration of war.
7-   Did Islam spread by the sword?
8-   Rebuttals.

The attack on the US, and terrorism in Islam:

Tribute to the United States of America.  Tribute to the Wonderful American People.

My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.  See the debate that I made up between pro and anti Sept. 11 attack on the US using the Noble Quran for both sides.  You judge for yourself.

Minister (Sheikh) Qaradawi's Islamic verdict that denounced the attack on the U.S.

Islam prohibits terrorism.

Is the suicide bombing in Israel allowed in Islam?

Suicide Bombing in the Bible.


Jihad and the laws of war, war times, and the treatment of enemy Civilians and Captives:

What is Jihad and the laws of war in Islam?

Why does Islam have Jizyah (money paid by non-Muslims in the Islamic State) law?  How should Muslims treat enemy civilians and innocents.

Does Islam really allow the killing of innocent unbelievers?

Unbelievers: Be persecuted or forgiven?

What do you say in response to the fact that many Christians are killed in Islamic countries for their faith?  I know you said on your site that Muslims are forbidden from doing that...why does it still happen?

How did Islamic people handle believers in other faiths during the time period of the Crusades?

How to propagate Islam.  Muslims can not transgress the limits when dealing with the enemy.

Can Muslims torture prisoners of war?

Is Ethnic cleansing allowed in Islam?


Apostates (renegades) and Human equality:

YES, freedom of Religion is allowed in Islam!  Islam totally disagree with Afghanistan's Taliban or any Muslim State that execute any Muslim for deserting Islam!  Islam also totally disagrees with killing any non-Muslim Missionaries trying to spread their religion in Muslim States.  See the proof for yourself from the Noble Quran.

Believe it or not, freedom of Religion IS NOT allowed in real Christianity!

Human equality in Islam V.S. Christianity.  See how the Bible's Old and New Testaments encourage slavery, and how Islam came to end the thousands of years old Pagan and Judeo-Christian slavery.


Revenge in Islam?

Does Islam really encourage Muslims to take revenge?

Forgiveness and revenge in Islam. There is a difference between being a peaceful person, and a coward hypocrite in Islam.


The laws of punishment for Murder:

The laws for murder in Islam.

What does Allah Almighty say about Justice for all in an Islamic State?


The Islamic Government and declaration of war:

What is the definition of Democracy in Islam?  How does Islam practice Democracy?

Does Islam allow for individuals to make their own verdicts and fight the enemy, or should the government do that?  What does Islam say about that?

The corruptions and infidel dictatorships in the Muslim world today were prophesized by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.


Did Islam spread by the sword?

Why did Muhammad take up arms and Christ didn't?  Why did Islam spread by the sword if it were indeed a Religion of Truth, and Christianity didn't?  See my response to this misunderstanding.  Did you know that even Jesus killed his enemies in the Bible?

What does the Qu'ran say about violence?  Why does the Noble Quran contain Verses that command the Muslims to fight?  See the justified and good reasons behind it.



Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism" article by the MostMerciful Web Site.

Rebuttal to Silas' "Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism" article by the Noorallah Web Site.

Please email me at   Osama Abdallah

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